Video "Cleveland RTA Bus Driver Attacks Female Passenger"


Chaturbate Livestreamer
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Jul 24, 2010
YouTube Description said:
In a video that is set to go viral, a teenage girl from Cleveland received an uppercut to the face after taunting a bus driver.​
Little information can currently be found about the video, but in the footage taken by another passenger, the teenager is shown arguing with the driver.​
It's unclear what the two are arguing over, but the young girl threatens the driver.​
He then tells her that he would have his daughter and even his granddaughter come over to the bus to fight with the irate teen.​
She responds by accepting his threat and adding that he could even bring his "mammy."​
The feud escalates when the driver points out a scar that the girl allegedly had on her face and the entire bus erupts into laughter.​
Being belittled by the bus driver is something the girl would not stand for, and instead of waiting for his daughter, granddaughter or mammy come to fight her she initiates the fight.​
A worker is standing in front of the camera at the time, but it's clear that the teenager lunges at the driver and assaults him.​
After releasing some of her anger through her fist, the teen backs off and the driver then steps forward. He begins to yell at her, "You're going to jail now, you're going to jail now" and out of nowhere he upper-cuts the teen right under the jaw and she falls straight to the ground.​
He then proceeds to literally throw her out of the bus along with her jacket, but the girl comes back at the driver.​
The passengers on the bus screamed the moment he hit her, reminded him that she's a female, but he barks back at them, "I don't care. [If] she [wants] to be a man, I'll treat you like a man."​
She yells back at him, "Now you're going to jail, b*tch."​
Users from IGN commented on the video:​
Paladyn42 said, "D*mn! [She] had it coming, but dude is still in deep **** if that gets seen by the wrong people. Still, though, she was still conscious after that? That guy needs to work on his haymaker."​
Another user wrote, "I hate the idea that people think being a female somehow makes you immune to getting dealt with when you act like an a**h*le."​
- Enjoy.


gooby pls
Jan 8, 2012
I hate when girls think they can't get hit back but they think it's acceptable to hit a man.

No way, if you want to act like a man, you'll get dealt with like a man. Bitch

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