Take an .in domain, it's very cheap. Then just think of 2 letters that would much the last letter then bam you got domain with only 4 letters!
are you serious? share = 5hare and short = 5hortIt was a mistake lol. I mean what's the difference between share, short ande 5hare, 5hort.
well you could just upload it so people can see the error and help. if it was uploaded i could see the error and maybe help
I'm not asking you to give me your files, I'm telling you you could simply upload it online so people can see what's wrong and then try to help you.Its not a error I just made a mistake and I am going to get help from someone I could trust. this project is not to be shared and only for personal use?
You're not going to learn if people do it for you. Think long term, it's alot nicer to be able to code your own stuff than always relying on someone to do it for you.
The query should look something like "SELECT url,hit FROM links ORDER BY hit DESC limit 10"
you're not asking for help, you're asking for someone to do it for you. there's a big differenceAre you a idiot or what? I have obviously done it but I am not able to put it into a table asking help for one thing isnt much so get the fuck outa here.