
  1. C


    I'm using mysql 8.0, because the older one has an error creating the database. however I got this error when trying to connect to the index of the site. I'm using IIS 10, php 5.6.31, mysql 8.0
  2. H

    Habbo retro owner age

    I was just wondering what is the common age for someone to own & run a retro? right now im 15 & idk if i should try run my own one?
  3. L

    RevCMS. Staff Page Clothing Glitch New Clothes Error!

    Hey guys, quick question,,,,, i added the new R2 Clothes to the hotel.... All works sweet but my staff page is making everyone naked.. lmao... is there a fix around anywhere for this?? thank you in advance....
  4. PlatinaPeter

    [HELP] Plus Emu [HELP]

    Does anyone have an idea how this comes about? Ojah a maybe someone has an emulator where wired, jukebox, soccer, horses work? An emulator based on Plus? Fixed :D:cool::cool:
  5. DanielSlivinskiy

    Habbo Chocolatey CMS - Arcturus 1.15.2

    Hello, i use Habbo Chocolately CMS and when I create a user and choose a room for a user then those items of the room do not come into the room. I use arcturus 1.15.2 versio and i also tried 1.15.0 Arcturus version but it did not work either. How i fix that? Photo:
  6. DanielSlivinskiy

    Error ItemDataManager.cs

    Hi, I added the tokyo 2018 furniture my hotel and then this error came when I wrote :update items, when i write :update items the hotel freezes and the emulator becomes an error. Emulator error: ItemDataManager.cs :line 57 code; bool allowMarketplace =...
  7. DanielSlivinskiy

    Furniture sql run

    Hello, when I try to add furniture to the my hotel shop and put the sql code of the furni so it becomes an error how can I fix the problem? Where is the error coming from? - The error will come in navicat from sql codes. I use new navicat versio.
  8. DanielSlivinskiy

    Help - how i can block user proxy ip in client?

    Hi, how can i block users from client proxy ip? What do you mean? - I mean that when a player enters a hotel, he can not access proxy ip. This feature is enabled: Thanks and help me for this please.
  9. DanielSlivinskiy

    Alaska emulator custom clothing no work (PlusEMU)

    Hello, How do I get the Alaska Emulator repaired to fix custom clothing? My figuredatamanager.cs: @JMG , @JayCustom , @Mikee / Help me pls!
  10. DanielSlivinskiy

    Habbo sprite for my cms

    Hello! Could you please help me with this, if you can so I am grateful <3. here is the sprite you are editing: Can you change the 'HABBO' logo on these logos that are down. Big logo: Small logo:
  11. KiwiBerry

    [PYTHON] a draw bot/script for this site please.

    Hello programmers, I really need some help, if you can help please do. I'm requesting a drawing bot to paint any image I select it to. -----> BUT! I really need the bot to paint in color! The problem is the site only lets you use a limited RGB system. So you can only select a few colors...
  12. S

    [PLUS] Help Command - Need help

    Hey Devbest's, I have a problem, i'm using PlusEmu. An editted one, with some customs. There is a command named HelpCommand. But the problem is, that its not functioning as it should be. The command is working like this: There is a user saying ":help (description)" then is says a wishper with...
  13. T

    AWS XAMPP Habbo Retro Port-Forwarding

    Hello i am using AWS = Amazon Web Services and XAMPP inside it and i do not know how to port-forward my habbo Retro. If you guys know how to do this with AWS and xampp please help me. I am new to this so if you can include Editing the habbo files and port-forwarding that would be great. Thx
  14. TomasLegend

    Strange client resolution error

    I've tried looking for fixes for my problem however, I haven't managed to find a fix. ---Screenshots--- --Client.php-- <script type="text/javascript"> var habboName = "{username}"; var habboReqPath = "{url}"; var habboStaticFilePath =...
  15. Z

    Sellroom alert

    Hello, I need a roomalert for my sellroom command.. I want: When a user comes into the room, he should receive a message that the room is for sale. Currently: If a user is in the room he gets a message via the chat Code: (Plus Emu) // Sorry for my english :s
  16. Z

    Translate MOD Tool

    How I can translate the MOD Tool? Please help again :D Picture:
  17. Z

    Enable effect will not go away after reload the room

    Hello dear devbest, I have a little problem.. If i enable a effect and reload the room, that will not go away. Info: Plus Emu Picture: Sry for my english, I'm from germany.
  18. tobi3591

    Ruby and gold horse statue not found in catalog_items

    Hello the title says it all. I'm currently fixing up some of the LTD rares in the catalog, and i found the Ruby Horse in the Asia for 1 credit, can't find it anywhere in the catalog_items. Who knows the ID of the furni? Thanks anyways
  19. E

    Problem - Chocolately Captcha Registration

    Hi all! I'm using Chocolately Pack with his CMS and Database and Arcturus Emulator. All is fine, CMS works and Database too. The problem is that I can't registrate myself because the captcha doesn't work: even if I validate that I'm a HOOMAN, when I click to Continue, it brings me back on...
  20. LilFentyXan

    [Help] Brain CMS + Arcturus Emu. TCP Reverse Proxy.

    Hi, I've recently set up a hotel, I'm using a TCP reverse proxy. I've managed to get it configured and working to the point that users can log into the client fine. The issue however is that each user is shown as connecting through the same IP. I was wondering it it's possible to show the actual...