Hi All,
I'm after some help if possible. I would like a radio on my client but i can't seem to find one.
Does anybody have the html/css/js files they can send me or point me in the right direction?
Willing to pay for help if needed. Thanks in advance.
Hi All,
Currently installing Cosmic CMS. I have done all the necessary setup and installation, however, i'm receiving the below error. Any ideas how i can correct this?
Hi All,
Trying to setup the Arcturus emulator error, however, recieving the bellow errors.
It connects to MySql without any problems but cant seem to figure out this error.
Any suggestions?
Hi All,
I'm currently running Plus Emulator and i'm having trouble setting rollers to stack. I know it's possible as i have done it before, however, struggling together.
Furniture is set to can stack, however, doesn't work.
Anyone able to help me out?
I've just brought a vps proxy etc, to build my very own habbo retro and haven't built one in years. Just wondering if theres anyone with knowledge of the recent habbo releases and wants to pair up with me and a friend to create a hotel?
Kind Regards,
Me and my friend are having a few problems with our habbo.swf. Were trying to change the client logo and Chat bubble colour because atm its red in which we dont like.
When we replace the old habbo.swf with the edited one it dosent change and we cannot enter the client? Does anybody have...
Im wondering is it possible if someone stands or sit on a peice of furniture they can recieve a badge?
Please Help if Possible pm or skype me? G3orgeRetros
Today i thought i could start learning how to make banners and maybe one day become good at them...
Ive made this banner..
Whats your feedback? and rate out of 10?
Recently opened up a hotel me and a friend @ano2k77 Weve just noticed that when we either leave the room or :unload it the furniture all moves about?
How can we fix this error?
Im trying to get mine and @ano2k77 's hotel up but it dosen't work. The client loads of localhost and but not our domain or ip? Can anybody Help?
Hey Guys,
Im looking to start a project which will be worked on by me and Tyler @ano2k77. I have decided to start making a custom and unique catalogue. The oonly problem i am having is deciding what version of hotel should i design a catalogue for?
The options i have are:
The Latest...
Im trying to make a group on my server but when i make it i get dced how can i fix this? Ive made the value 1 in server settings wht now it still dosent work?
Ivegot a problem with my server when i purchase a item from my catalogue for example when i purchase a gb and it goes into my inventory but when i purchase another item it replaces the gb?
How can i fix this error?
Hello Devbesters,
Today im here to show you how to make a r64b habbo retro. This Tutorial has the Latest HabboUI Its Brillaint! Ive added all the english documents to the folders etc Credits to the people who made the stuff will be at end of the post Well lets get started.
Please Download...
Tryong to install/configure cms but i type in localhost it takes me to localhost/index and i get this?
Click Here: http://prntscr.com/34bsd3
Can anybody help me with this? Skype Funkybohh
Just opened a hotel with groups the groups work but the badges dont show?
Can someone help me please?
Image: http://gyazo.com/17cb7c1a5f0656b59245cb6a93cff12e
Skype: Funkybohh
Hotel: Rush-Hotel.co.uk
Kind Regards,
Im looking to start my own hosting company "HabnoHosts" Ive brought a .com domain already and im getting the licence from whmcs.com. All i need is a Reseller Web Hosting, Unlimited. Where's the cheapest place i can get this from?
Kind Regards,
Hello, on my and friends retro on the catalog normal users dont have exchange wired and a few more things weve looked on database and it says they do have them "min rank 1" How can i fix this error?
Kind Regards,