Im looking for a hoousekeeping for my habbo retro habnohotel.zapto.org the ones ive tryed dont work so im looking for someone to provide and set one up for me through teamviewer?
Skype: Funkybohh or start a convertsation with me!<3
-George (FunkyBohh)
Looking for someone who provide me a url to Paypal API
On the hotel ive got up the paypal you select what version of vip you want then enter username and click pay now ro somthing like that but when you get to enter you paypal detials it dosent have a price their.
Offering my services
Hello I'm quite smart at making habbo retros and I'm offering my support and making other people retros add my Skype if you want help [REMOVED] I'm obviously gonna want a role on your hotel joint owner or something tho!:)
Skype- [REMOVED]
Looking for a technican for my hotel http://welfaerehotel.zapto.org
Someone who can edit CMS'S change languages ect.
Add my skype: funkybohh Or comment below if you are experienced with this.
Looking for a coder who can code cms's add furni to r63b habbo retros and code topstats and add paypal donation and that ect.
Add My Skype Or Comment Below.
Looking for a coder for my r63b habbo retro.
I Own http://welfarehotel.zapto.org. 24/7 Running of my computer till i can get enough to afford vps and that.
THe coder im looking for is a person that can code top stats page add furni to catalouge and can edit cms's just for my hotel.
If you do...
Hey, Im looking for a coder who can code alot of things for example like topstats page edit the cms and new things add furni to the catalouge ect. You will be givin co-owner on my hotel
Link to my hotel: http://welfarehotel.zapto.org
Whats going on Devbesters?
Join My Hotel: http://welfarehotel.zapto.org/
For today I will teach you all how to make a Rev Cms Habbo retro .
FIRST OFF: Downloads,
Revcms RevCMS