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  1. FunkyBohh

    Wired Error

    Hello, I've got wired on my hotel.. it works when u first set it up but when nobodys in the room and u reload hotel the wired stops working and resets it self how can i fix this problem? Skype: Funkybohh Kind, Regards George
  2. FunkyBohh


    How do i add the retro list voting to my habbo retro? Skype:funkybohh PLEASE HELP!
  3. FunkyBohh

    Furniture Gap

    Hello, On my and a mates hotel im trying to make a room and it involes stacking divider/walls but everytime i stack them i get this Image: How can i fix this error? Skype; Funkybohh or start a conversation with me if you can help? Kind, Regards George
  4. FunkyBohh

    Hotel Index Page

    Hello, I fixed the problem with the cms not working now the index page has a massive gap between login and Images can anyone help fix this? Heres a Screenie: Kind Regards, George
  5. FunkyBohh


    Ive installed the cms etc but i got to http://localhost and i get this page Anybody able to help? Kind, Regards George
  6. FunkyBohh

    Retro Error

    Hello, Trying to make a Habbo retro but whenever I install the CMS I receive then when i type in the URL: handleCall($engine->secure($_GET['url'])); $template->html->get($engine->secure($_GET['url'])); $template->outputTPL(); ?> Anybody know how i can fix this error?7 Kind Regards, George
  7. FunkyBohh

    [help] Pheonix Emulator [help]

    Pheonix Emulator Error Exception has been saved, I Go to exception in pheonix folder and this shows: 2/19/2013 3:11:04 AM: Error: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was not present in the dictionary. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.get_Item(TKey key)...
  8. FunkyBohh

    Looking for Coder

    Hi, I'm looking for someone who can design customs etc thrones etc but I want some writing on their. I'm also looking for someone to code them into a SQL for my habbo retro
  9. FunkyBohh

    [HELP] Revcms Staff Page [HELP]

    Hi, Im looking for someone to help me on my mates hotel his staff page is weird it only shows rank 7 and 6 not the highest rank or anything and i dunno how to edit the staff page on notepad++ This is what it looks like On The staff page i want Founders, Technician, Manager,Admins,Mods Thats...
  10. FunkyBohh

    Hotel Housekeeping

    Hi, Ive got a housekeeping but it says im not the right access level how can i change the access level? Kind Regards, George
  11. FunkyBohh

    [help] Changing Hotel View [help]

    Hello, Im trying to change the hotel view on my hotel but i go on external_variables find the hotel view change the image then save it restart emu but the hotel view stays the same how can i fix this? Kind Regards, George
  12. FunkyBohh

    {HELP} client Logo

    Hi, I'm trying to edit the client logo but the software I have I can't save it without having the full version I'm only using the demo. I don't really want to spend money on a software I will only use once maybe twice anybody got any fixes to this and what I can use to edit it? Kind regards...
  13. FunkyBohh

    Client Error

    Hey, I have an error with my emulator/client when i go to the me page i click enter client while im looking ath the emulator aswell i get the error in the picture below and then i look back at client and i get dced back to the me page. Kind Regards, George
  14. FunkyBohh

    TheHabbos API

    Hey, Ive recently made a habbo retro and want to add thehabbos API To appear when you enter client but im not sure how to do it can someone help me Through Teamviewer? Skype: Funkybohh Or Start A Conversation with me? George?
  15. FunkyBohh

    {Help} Client

    Hey, Ive setup my hotel Habno Hotel and i go to connect to client i have swfs and emulator conifugred properly now i try to enter the client it loads fully then goes back to me Page can someone help? Kinds Regards, George
  16. FunkyBohh

    {Help} Pheonix Database

    Hey, Im looking for a database that has bronze silver and gold in the catalougue and all the latest furni? Can someone help and this database has to work with R63 Pheonix Emulator Kind Regards, George
  17. FunkyBohh

    Navicat Database

    Hello, Im trying to update my limitededition/Weekly Rare With Cloud_Egg/ Pearl Dragon Egg Same Furni, but i cant find it in my database (navicat) Ive Searched Cloud_Egg And Pearl Dragon Egg Got any suggestions why it doesn't work? Regards, George Skype:Funkybohh
  18. FunkyBohh


    Hello, Im trying to add my Housekeeping to my Hotel Its Revcms Im trying to add pulse Housekeeping to it Is it Possible? Kind Regards, George
  19. FunkyBohh


    Anybody got custom habbo retro trophies Like 2013 Or Somthing :D
  20. FunkyBohh

    Habbo Retro Stacking!

    Looking for help on my hotel when we stack theirs a gap between the furniture Thats what i need help fixing any tuts or anything post below Kind Regards, George