Search results

  1. Aruthra

    Cheap & Best VPS for Habbo Retros? // // If you want the cheapest, i recommend winity or hostsavor. Winity has cheap windows 2012 servers and good support.
  2. Aruthra

    Need Hotel Developer For New Retro.

    Phoenix is now free, you dont have to get a license or a crack.
  3. Aruthra

    [Solution] Someone changes password?

    Thanks for sharing this, it might be useful for some people.
  4. Aruthra

    Hacking - Somebody changes password. PLEASE HELP

    What cms do you use? If someone hacks your account, then they're probs SQL injecting using your cms exploits. Find some guy to help you remove those exploits. And if your site doesn't work, then they're DDoSing you
  5. Aruthra

    Are you good at editing habbo.swf?

    Hey i need some habbo.swf editors for my hotel and for my rp. Please contact me if you're one! Skype - tiny.builder FB - Aruthra Swift
  6. Aruthra

    Request Custom Staff Badge RE-Edit (RATE)

    Thanks a lot! You got a skype buddy?
  7. Aruthra

    Request Need a logo for "SwiftRP"

    Thanks a lot m8 ;D
  8. Aruthra

    Service Banner Shop 2014 | Upgraded Service |

    A banner like this please Hotel Name: Swift Your logo (Optional) if so upload it via; tinypic,imgur, etc. The text at the bottom or wherever you want it located: Sexy CMS and Cata, Awesome Community, Great Features, Hiring! Misc (Your avatar, badge, etc): Same like that banner please. Ty!
  9. Aruthra

    [ZapRP Emulator, Illumina CMS] No data inserted into users table after registering

    After registering, the user is not inserted into user table. And i get a sso ticket error in client. Please help? I use Jonteh's ZapRP emulator and illumina cms.
  10. Aruthra

    [WILLING TO PAY] Need a working RP EMU and DB

    Can i have the link for it please
  11. Aruthra

    Request Custom Staff Badge RE-Edit (RATE)

    Please make "Swift Staff" in that badge please
  12. Aruthra

    Need a r63 rp habbo.swf

    Hi, i use RageRP data and i need a good looking habbo.swf for my RP. Thanks
  13. Aruthra

    Service Ollie's Banner Service!

    Hotel Name: Swift 3rd Banner please. R63 - Hiring - Sexy CMS and Cata - Amazing Community If you can, please do me a logo for "SwiftRP" Thanks!
  14. Aruthra

    Shipz Updated Phoenix 3.11.0

    What new commands does this have?
  15. Aruthra

    Need open source for GTE Emulator/Phoenix 3.12

    I just need a download link
  16. Aruthra

    Request Need a logo for "SwiftRP"

    Can I please have a logo like that saying "SwiftRP" Please? Thanks.
  17. Aruthra

    Need open source for GTE Emulator/Phoenix 3.12

    Hey guys! Does anyone have a working open source for GTE Emulator/Phoenix 3.12? If yes please comment the link below. Thanks
  18. Aruthra

    Halloween 2014 (43 Furniture)

    Thanks a lot! Works perfect