Need Hotel Developer For New Retro.


New Member
Oct 15, 2014
Hey guys, Dylan here.

After about 2-3 years away from retro's i've decided to come back and start up a retro again. I haven't coded since v26 so i'm not quite up to the standard as others atm.
Anyways, i'm looking for somebody help me develop/code the hotel. i.e, cms and emu. I have good ideas for hotel, I will purchase a stable VPS to get us started and then we can take it from there.

Also I am wondering if anybody recommends I purchase a phoenix license? Unless somebody can code and use cracked servers that would also be suitable.

In terms of it being a paid job, we can discuss that further if you are interested.

Reply to this post or PM me if interested.

Kind regards


New Member
Oct 14, 2014
Dylan, I have a retro up and running right now at the moment. I'm still trying to figure out a name. It doesn't have forums, a correct doman(it's my IP address rn), and needs to be portforwarded but if you'd like to help that'd be awesome. If not, that's awesome too! I just recently watched two tutorials on youtube (I will link if you want me to) and made a r63 retro.


New Member
Oct 15, 2014
@LoveSonqs thats great. Do you think if we went on teamviewer or skype you could help me out? I wouldn't mind throwing you a few dollars if you were interested. Or I can buy a vps and you can run your hotel from there.

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