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  1. Aruthra

    Video ROFL! He stole a cup....

  2. Aruthra

    Do you feel like its Christmas?

    True... Merry christmas anyways.
  3. Aruthra

    [RELEASE] Mockingjay Badge

    Thank you. Atleast i shared it.
  4. Aruthra

    [RELEASE] Mockingjay Badge

    Thanks! :)
  5. Aruthra

    [Release] Christmas Staff Badge

    Thanks a lot!
  6. Aruthra

    Need suggestions to get users for my hotel

    Thanks a lot for the tip, i'll take that into consideration and yes i agree with you i'll just try to make some friends and get them play my hotel. Ty again!
  7. Aruthra

    [Release] Christmas Staff Badge

    Please make it say "Swift" instead of "Habbo" Thanks a lot!
  8. Aruthra

    [Mercury EMU] Loads upto 100% and then disconnects [HELP PLEASE]

    Hello, i use mercury emulator 2.2.5, emu works perfectly fine but when i go to client it loads upto 100%, client shows up for 1 second and then it dc's. EMU says Tiny got online Tiny got disconnected No exception is saved. Swf's and db are set correctly Someone help please
  9. Aruthra

    Need suggestions to get users for my hotel

    Hello, my hotel's been up for like 3 years, we went very successful (Our hit is 40) but recently Swift lost many users, now we have only 0-2 online a day. Swift has all the features coded in, fast website but still people don't play it. I advertise in fb group and try my best to gather users but...
  10. Aruthra

    [RELEASE] Mockingjay Badge

    Check your eyes. Just stop talking shit about ppl's useful releases.
  11. Aruthra

    How to fix Mercury Emulator "Unable to connect to Remote server"

    I did these steps still it shows the same error :(
  12. Aruthra

    [RELEASE] Mockingjay Badge

  13. Aruthra

    Online Count help?

    Sorry for that. I didn't find a solution yet... If someone helps me ill tell you guys :D Alright man. Please let me know when you're ready
  14. Aruthra

    Gold Tree Emulator Edited

    If someone accepts friend request, its disconnects. Exception is saved 11/30/2014 11:53:49 AM: Error: MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException (0x80004005): Data truncated for column 'gender' at row 1 at MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlStream.ReadPacket() at...
  15. Aruthra

    Online Count help?

    Hi. If it's simple then why don't you help? I don't code
  16. Aruthra

    Online Count help?

    Someone help me do this for r63 client please I want the online count to be updated every 1 minute
  17. Aruthra

    Gold Tree Emulator Edited

    Thanks a lot for this! Amazing release <3
  18. Aruthra

    RevCMS Edit, Custom Catalogue & GTE Edit

    Whats the decrypt key for the catalogue download?
  19. Aruthra

    [RELEASE] Mockingjay Badge

    Thanks.... great! Thanks and i didn't get this badge from habbox haha i got the pic from google, resized the image and made it as a habbo badge.