Need suggestions to get users for my hotel


Owner, Swift Industry
Aug 14, 2013
Hello, my hotel's been up for like 3 years, we went very successful (Our hit is 40) but recently Swift lost many users, now we have only 0-2 online a day. Swift has all the features coded in, fast website but still people don't play it. I advertise in fb group and try my best to gather users but Swift lacks users everytime. Can someone tell me how to get users? And i don't want a name change due to some reasons.

Thank You!
Skype - tiny.builder
FB - Aruthra Swift


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2013
1) I have learned that having a fast website and many features are a plus but they don't attract people because most people just look for a community to play with on the client... they could care less if you have a lottery system or anything else.
2) Facebook advertising does nothing, literally nothing.

Best way to gain users is to become friends with them and talk to them and then invite them to your hotel. Spamming advertisements doesn't build trust or friendship it builds annoyance.


Owner, Swift Industry
Aug 14, 2013
1) I have learned that having a fast website and many features are a plus but they don't attract people because most people just look for a community to play with on the client... they could care less if you have a lottery system or anything else.
2) Facebook advertising does nothing, literally nothing.

Best way to gain users is to become friends with them and talk to them and then invite them to your hotel. Spamming advertisements doesn't build trust or friendship it builds annoyance.
Thanks a lot for the tip, i'll take that into consideration and yes i agree with you i'll just try to make some friends and get them play my hotel. Ty again!


Headmaster Of Hogwart's
Apr 30, 2012
I would agree with Jaycustoms, as I also feel that advertising has a little effect on the user which building a friendship with users from other hotel would probably let you gain loyal users, then you can probably form an advertising team with referral systems to reward them with like VIP at about 25 referrals maybe? Don't misunderstand me by asking you to make a advertising team, you all could build more user friendship with other hotel users as a team, the more the advertisers probably the more loyal users you will get! Hope this helped you! (;


New Member
Nov 16, 2014
have a good hotel ^-^

but i agree with the above posts. also, whenever i check in on a retro, the first thing i always look for is creativity. if it's your standard 'straight from the tutorial' retro... on to the next one!

EDIT: i just checked out your hotel, it looks nice! i love the cms and swf; still seems a little average though. but anyways, from there i would suggest you try offering incentives to people that bring new users. it's all about the community. just do your part as owner, be active, and let it grow on its own!

also, put your hotel banner in your signature; easy access for lazy people like me
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Feb 4, 2013
Have an all-round good hotel, good community, stable emu and no exploits within the emu, cms, you need it to be a place where the users feel safe, most users nowadays don't like signing up for new retro's as I know quite a lot of the new hotel's around, the owners have been releasing their IP's over Facebook etc. Maybe have goals, advertise on a regular basis showing what makes you different from other hotels, if you're not different, what's the point leaving one hotel and joining another that's practically the same? With just a different name? As I said, goals... Like, once you hit 20 online, do a rare giveaway, and 25 online, applications for staff or something like that

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