Search results

  1. GageDodd

    Sports Who's Gonna Win The College Champion Ship

    who will win the college championship, who is your favorite team? let me know down in the comments...
  2. GageDodd

    Whats Your Favorite Video Game Console?

    What is your perfered video game console or pc. Is it Sega Genisis, PS3, Xbox One S, or anything else? Let me know down in the comments.
  3. GageDodd

    Whats Your Favorite Game?

    Their Are Thousands of different video games out their, but what is your top pick out of all over ones? This may be a hard question so if you have to mention more than one, feel free too!
  4. GageDodd

    Whats You Favorite Genre Of Music?

    What is your favorite genre of music?? my favorite genre would have to be Hip Hop & Rap, You Let Me Down In The comments!!!!
  5. GageDodd

    Donald Trump OR Hillary Clinton?

    Who do you think is more qualified for president? Donald Trump OR Hillary Clinton? OR would you rather just not vote idk you tell me in the comments down below I have to pick DONALD TRUMP
  6. GageDodd

    HTML Code Reference

    Hello Devbest! i have put together a few different word documents in the language HTML and what it is references to what you want by the title of what you want the code to do, and you would open the document and it will give you a example of the code Thank You! I hope this helps people to...
  7. GageDodd

    How to make a v1 Habbo Retro!

    Hey Devbest :) Recently I have been playing around with some of the OldSchool files I have around. I decided to try setup a v1 retro. I got it setup and working so I thought I would tell everyone how they can do it :) YES I KNOW THIS IS FOR A OLDER VERSION OF A FEW THINGS BUT I DID THIS SO IT...
  8. GageDodd

    How To Make A Php Retro

    PLEASE REMEMBER TO THANK BELOW! Welcome to my new PHPRetro Setup Package TUT! I Endo am releasing this because, well who wants to sit around for 20 minutes searching for all of the right things to make your retro? Well with this new package it will come with the following items (Basically...
  9. GageDodd

    How to make RP r63b Habbo Retro | IIS | RealityRP 2 |

    [TUT] How to make RP r63b Habbo Retro | IIS | RealityRP 2 | My Name Is Gage And We Are Going To Make A Habbo RP! Hey Guys, I will show you how to make a RP retro using IIS, and I know this might help alot of you guys.This tutorial was made while using a Windows 2008 Standard Edition R2 VPS! This...
  10. GageDodd

    RevCMS Nub Theme

    There some issues with the CSS that I can't seem to fix. I'm pretty sure you CSS Gods can take care of that. If you do, please post here or whatever so others can get the fix. You'll have to change the logo cause it's set to the one I had on my hotel. Oh ya, there's JS queries in here to to make...
  11. GageDodd

    Tardis Hotel Update 4/11/2016 Theme Release

    STFU im deleting it you fags
  12. GageDodd

    Habbo Phone Index

    Hello This is not made by me all i did was translate it Download:!GRcWTRCB Credits 99% Hid3ky For Creating The Index 1% For Me Translating It Dont Trust Dont Download
  13. GageDodd Theme Release

    Hello Devbest! I have been currently ripping different websites themes and will slowly upload them! Well today i have Screenshots: You Like it So Far? Well Download it!!PY1RBAxL Thanks! Credits For Rip 100% Gage
  14. GageDodd

    Sports What's Your Favourite NFL Team

    Whats your favourite NFL team?
  15. GageDodd

    Windows 10

  16. GageDodd

    Who Is/Are Your Favorite Rapper(s)

    Let me know down in the comments who your favorite rapper or rappers are!
  17. GageDodd

    How To Make Custom SWF Furni

    How to Make Custom SWF Furni In this tutorial I will be teaching you how to make custom furniture for Flash Hotels. I will also be teaching you how to make the SQL and Furni data for them. Here are the steps: 1. Download this pack Here. Download a SWF Decompiler or use my SWF Decompiler which...
  18. GageDodd

    How to add furni to you habbo retro

    Ok so in this TUT I will be using a simple coloured dino egg. 1. Go and download the .zip file [SQL] [SWFS] Image: 2. Go to your htdocs/wwwroot>R63>Hof_furni (Unless hof_furni is located somewhere else) And drag the swf file...
  19. GageDodd

    Applicant Staff Application

    Name: Gage Age: 16 Timezone: Central Standard Time How often I can be online: I can be online from 4-6 hours a day through the week, and 5-19 hours a day on the weekends. I will always be willing to help. Positions I'm looking for: I am looking to be hired as a Moderator Experience: I have been...
  20. GageDodd

    Show DevBest Popup RESTRICTED AREA

    Well the title pretty much explains what this is lets go ahead and get into the post! There is also a little motion involed! Thanks for checking this out i hope you enjoy it!