Right, use XAMPP, Extract all the file's into your htdoc's, go to external variables.txt and edit the IP in there to yours!
Go to your PHPRetro Housekeeping and edit your setting's!
Well my favourite Emulator developed has to be Holograph Emulator, with numerous amount of edit's that no-one kept up with!
So, what abouit you?
Seeing as Loader maker from the TheHabbos.ORG doesn't work I thought I'd release mine excluding my smexy DCR'S (Haha nice try) ';)
The things in red need to change!
<title>iElite: Client</title></head>
<object classid='clsid:166B1BCA-3F9C-11CF-8075-444553540000'...
Can you point out the thing's that are so special in this PreHosted dcr's? I will release mine later on in the week if I move on, because mine haz shit loads of customs and my server so yeah!