go to, Run on Start, or w.e or use the Search and type in "cmd", Then in Command Prompt type in ipconfig, and something beggining with 192 ;) Go to that IP, and it'll tell you your router.
Ok, it's easy portforwarding, go to portforward.com, or I will post a tutorial in a minute, So go to portforward.com, and Find your router! Then for e.g go to Apache and do what it says! Also for your hotel and client to be up buy a VPS, from these hosting: Myhosting.com: vpsland.com!
Well, title says it all, what's your internet service provider?
Well I'm on 02, with BT, it's quite good, the wireless is beast! Anyway's it has it's moment's, SO WHAT'S YOUR ISP?
Been to Karlstad, in Sweden pretty much all Viking countries are amazing; It was awesome especially 'cuz my Grandparents live there, anyway's AND CUZ IT WAS SNOWING heavily ;), ONE MORE REASON; It was on my brithday!
Sulaimani, well it's probally like dubai at night time's; 50 degrees at...