Doesn't work is what I'm saying. Everyone can connect to my IP except for the computers connected to my network. I need a VPN just to connect to my own website.
I set up my web server for my hotel, but I can't see my website or connect to anything. Others (outside my network) can connect to the web server with no problem. Is it possible for me to type in my external IP and see my website? If so, how? I tried a free VPN to check it out and I can see my...
The only work I have is what I'm working on now. Basically, when someone wants a template made, I will make it for them. I will be setting up the website soon and will have templates that I make on there available for downloads for $5 each. Even the template for my website will be made by...
I am creating templates for Joomla 2.5 and also HTML templates as well. I will charge only $5 per template. Not because the template is bad (because I promise it wont be), but I'm not doing this to make a lot of money. I'm only doing this because I know there's people who don't know how to code...
I found a website and their logo uses the same font I'm looking for. Anyone know what it is?
The font I need is what 'newzjunky' is in.
I have the DCRs, but I would like to know how to add my own logo. I cannot unprotect habbo.dcr so I am unable to edit this in Macromedia Director 2004 MX.
I am trying to learn how to use RevCMS and I was wondering if it is possible to use RevCMS on a free web host as long as I have Phoenix on my Windows computer? Or do I need my own web server (Xampp, Wamp, IIS, etc.) or a VPS?