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  1. idfk


    First of all, the first cosmic hotel which is rank 40# is actually mine just hacked They have two same voting thing. One which is rank 60# (or w/e might change) and mine one that got hacked (just confirmed this got hacked...
  2. idfk

    Client Help: Blank Screen

    no the phoenix, the scroll bar is to low to be legit lol idk coz the legit phoenix has like 4lines while the cracked from RZ is like 11 lines
  3. idfk

    Client Help: Blank Screen

    that's cracked js
  4. idfk

    Aliens, are they real?

    pfth, who would believe there are only 7BILL people in the universe your just stupid, i believe thats another so called "super earth" has live in it since it has the exact same shit as us: Gravity, oxygen, water, islands. also, when the word alien is said you think of a green thing with huge...
  5. idfk account hacked!

    i didnt :S
  6. idfk account hacked!

    im not that stupid i do have protections AVG/norton and firewall lol lol for the keylog i only got one keylogged in my life and that was habb0
  7. idfk account hacked!

    basically the same as my devbest acc, i currently pmed 2 devbest staff, still no reply
  8. idfk account hacked!

    how is it my fault it getting it hacked, i see how people could key log, and i can provide proof if someone THAT can recovery it.
  9. idfk account hacked!

    i said, maybe i dont usually leave google chrome opened on the vps, since its to laggy. And this doesn't mean i wont be helped?
  10. idfk account hacked!

    uhm its not down i just do not like using a cracked phoenix, i am waiting on my licence to be retrieved
  11. idfk

    [Service] Free R63 Making

    i recommend taking the cracked phoenix out or u mite get warned :S
  12. idfk account hacked!

    will do
  13. idfk account hacked!

    bump :S
  14. idfk account hacked!

    prob my owner i recently fired, he joined with a hotel called cosmic
  15. idfk account hacked!

    idfk (same as forum name)
  16. idfk account hacked!

    Hello, my account got hacked recently anyway i can get it back :S more info: username: idfk what hotel it linked to before: who hacked: the co-founder of my hotel i recently fired had access to this if you need more info im happy to give. :l
  17. idfk

    RevCMS help!

    yeah if not try using ur localhost ip ( to see if it actually works for you.
  18. idfk

    RevCMS help!

    the ip u used to port foward it
  19. idfk

    RevCMS help!

    is it port fowarded or hamachi? or just for urself?
  20. idfk


    LMFAO i have found out the email has coporatoion in it LOL wrong spelling much?