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  1. idfk

    Can someone get me swfs?

    go 0taku and go to phoenix releases it will giv u great swfs. or go to dcr-project and get em urself:
  2. idfk

    Habbo.swf Logo Help.?

    thats a request do not support. do it yourself with my TUT
  3. idfk

    Pages messed up.

    class.tpl and chk i ur pics r there and chk ur webbuild in class.tpl next to the config file
  4. idfk

    [Phoenix] Exception Help

    got sql injected bro
  5. idfk

    [Phoenix] Emulator Startup Error [Error]

    if its a legit phoenix go to the sql folder and put 3.7.1 update to 3.7.2 and the phoenix 3.7.3. Could also be typos in your config and it could be cracked.
  6. idfk

    ASE - RevCMS - Cant login

    if that didn't work go to your hk and check what rank it allows.
  7. idfk

    Error, Phoenix Emu, Table 'Retro.texts doesn't exists'

    just go to your sql when u download the phoenix and update 3.7.2 and phoenix 3.7.3
  8. idfk

    500 Server Error when i try to go onto phpmyamdin or my retro?

    if its on vps get navicat. if u installed xampp in ur vps (y did u?) about it.
  9. idfk

    What program do i use to change my swf logo a TUT
  10. idfk

    Do you agree with CISPA?

    they just need some entertaining in there life, that's why they want to introduce CISPA. So they can check peoples shit so they all entertained and shit. if they can see are stuff, we should get to see they shit
  11. idfk

    [phoenix] Shuts?

    if it is thts bs got hacked twice thn
  12. idfk

    [phoenix] Shuts?

    naa, taku admin said, that some kind of ip verified shit
  13. idfk

    [phoenix] Shuts?

    oh wateve, i used the latest sql, i hate going on the vps to laggy
  14. idfk

    [phoenix] Shuts?

    put pics & errors
  15. idfk

    [phoenix] Shuts?

    i used, 3.7.0 , 3.7.0 to 3.7.1 and 3.7.2 one :S
  16. idfk

    [phoenix] Shuts?

    used the one they give you didnt work either
  17. idfk


    not to sure, i think cause they both bumped a rank
  18. idfk

    [phoenix] Shuts?

    nope, it just would say some error after loading everything
  19. idfk

    [phoenix] Shuts?

    when i open my phoenix it just shuts down right off after the green vps offer comes up, doesn't even connect to db Just shuts down gives an error like Object to a reference (cbf going on vps, checking error, and copying it, come back here a paste it. maybe when someone reply's lol) my config all...
  20. idfk


    Lol, anyone know a great vps, like, something dedicated, great and trusted. Cheap also, dont really care bout space has to be more than 10GB i guess lol please tell link in the reply :D