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  1. Jaden

    Reality Emu Edit

    Thanks for the Review...
  2. Jaden

    Plus Emu r2.1 [RP] [Project Butter C#]

    Craig that was aggressive!!! What was the taxi command? TaxiTime = (Rank > 1 || Job == 1 && Working ? PlusEnvironment.GetRandomNumber(20, 30) : PlusEnvironment.GetRandomNumber(40, 80)); ?? Thats a Timer? How do you use Seconds--; ?
  3. Jaden

    Plus Emu r2.1 [RP] [Project Butter C#]

    Looked pretty messy in the beginning ali?! ;)
  4. Jaden

    Reality Emu Edit

  5. Jaden

    Reality EMU #RP

  6. Jaden

    PixelRP Emulator: C# R63B Project iO1

    Hey guys, Today I come to bring you the development of the HabboLife Roleplay an Stable and organized RP Emulator. This Emulator is based off Plus Emulator and will be probably Renamed to PlusRP in the near by future ;D HabboLife Emulator is will not be released as a Source until the emulator...
  7. Jaden

    Reality EMU #RP

    Use a different emulator... Reality is terrible...
  8. Jaden

    Clothes Wont Load

    external_variables.txt skype? chester.instagram going to bed now