For Phoenix:
This isn't complicated at all :) (This time)
Replace your case 11: (Enable task) with this...
case 11:
if (Session.GetHabbo().HasFuse("cmd_enable"))
int int_ = int.Parse(Params[1])...
This is for plus if you want users not to be able to use this
Replace your enable command with... :
#region :enable
case "enable":
string EffectID = Params[1];
You can request addons for any emulator now but if i don't know the emulator i'll tell you. (Except Swift)
Probably the only mercury im doing...
Mercury Buyroom/sellroom (Alot of steps)
Go to HabboHotel.Rooms.Room
internal bool ForSale;
internal int SalePrice...
The Title makes this self explanitory...
What i'm doing is coding you addons like commands... i.e Buyroom sellroom...
maybe Profiles or such don't ask for that...
other commands that are completely outrageous and you know they are... YOU CAN ASK :D!!!!
I'm an outrageous person and don't under...
LOL We'll have shit like Pet Bots and dogs and shit like a pit bull i.e "Rocky Attack Logic" -Rocky attacks you until you kill him or he kills you- (depends on ur dog/health) im just trying to get the basics done...
Pointless Project that sounds too good to be true?
For One you'd get a shitload of packet errors if you tried to use R63B Packets
Second if you didn't you must be the only Flash Coder in the Community....
Cba sounds like some bull or BcStorm
i disagree Mr.Ali, if You applied "The Back-end of Habbi" to Habcast Hotel... you'd see most hotels like habbi are phoenix...
Why even compare them anymore....