They aren't on my same IP address, sorry for the late reply, I have a feeling it's something to do when i hid my IP into my .swf's
PS. Yes, my license is valid
Hi, so me and like one other person can enter my hotel but then whenever certain users try to enter the hotel it doesn't work. It keeps re-directing them to the "/me" page, I need help fixing this please and thank you. I'm not sure what it is, I've done the cloudflare thing with habbo's api...
I personally will be more than happy to check out your server, I've been playing SA-MP for years now as well. It sounds like an interesting server, good job & Good luck!
Hi, My client loads perfectly fine on my VPS. But when people go to access it on there computers including me, it shows up as a black screen, I'm not too sure why this keeps happening.
- My externals
- My Config $_CONFIG['hotel']['figure'] =...
Hi, so two things on my client are glitch it's the ":spull" command -
Also the chatlogs are glitched too -
Any idea how to fix that? also as well as these two exceptions possibly...
I think what you need to do is, you've gotta install the rest of the database, phoenix .sql's do not install all the proper tables you need, I'll post the .SQL code that a member from O-S had posted usernames Clawed.
oh no this ones about a normal R63. Not R63B. I've given up and I took that advice of yours and am waiting for revEMU to release.
I'm sorry for annoying you.. ._.
But I also stated in there I'm using a phoenix emulator, phoenix isn't R63B.
But I do agree with your statement "Phoenix is...
Hi so my clients loading but it continues to re-direct to the /me page, Yes all my ports are fine and yes my emulator is configured properly, there is no emulator issues or anything. I'm using phoenix emulator licensed users and revCMS habbo theme edited by heluja a long with Tristan's SWF pack...
Hi, Some people load the client but the voting api just keeps reloading. I've already added
this code:
I can't find 'user_tickets' in my database actually, so I can't check that for some odd reason :confused:.
Sledmore I was told to do this:
Simply go to 'app/class.users.php' - find 'final public function createSSO($k) ' - add a query below to insert into 'user_tickets' - and add a check to see...