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  1. S

    re-directing to /me

    Hi, My client loads fine then it just re-directing to /me before hitting hotel view, any ideas why this is happening? I think it's because revCMS's SSO key, but I'm not sure how to fix that and make it compatable with butterfly, any ideas? If so please tell me, cheers!
  2. S

    where to get 'r63bb' ?

    Yeah, I understand that. He did a good job. I wasn't saying that as a bad thing.
  3. S

    where to get 'r63bb' ?

    That is true, Also question for you, not trying to assume anything or cause anything, did you guys just edit habbolatino's emulator and call it plusEMU? Just wondering. On topic: I'd suggest using Habbolatino's possibly.
  4. S

    where to get 'r63bb' ?

    There's a couple good ones on RZ if you go to it, I'd suggest using butterstorm, that's the one I'm using, it's just getting a decent CMS to work with it mainly, like I'm trying revCMS but the SSO is the issue and uberCMS has a lot of backdoors.
  5. S


    How would I possibly fix this error? [Err] 1304 - PROCEDURE getroomitems already exists [Err] -- -- Base de datos: `habbo` -- -- -- Procedimientos -- CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `getroomitems`( IN roomid int(10) unsigned ) BEGIN SELECT items_rooms.item_id, items_rooms.x...
  6. S

    fixing client.

    Hi I was wonder how to fix my R63B Hotel's client from re-directing to the error page, I'm using uberCMS 2.0 by jonty, and It keeps re-directing to flash_client_error. Any suggestions why??? I'm using habbolatino's .swf pack
  7. S

    How to fix this

    UberCMS has encountered an error Too many connections I keep getting that error with my hotel.
  8. S

    Question does

    Okay, so I'm using revCMS Habbo theme, so just to clarify I'd go into my db and say if my 'auth_ticket' was RevCMS-570/d7275a6ab83d72935f048e33046c684a7 I'd just go to see if the user already has an entry and 'user_tickets'?
  9. S

    Question does

    So, the code would be INSERT into table 'user_tickets' then my SSO, ip and id but how do I make it so all users can access the client o_o without getting that sso ticket o.o. kinda confused a bit aha if you don't mind explaining a bit.
  10. S

    Question does

    Alright, if Sledmore could help me I'd really appreciate that.
  11. S

    Question does

    does revCMS work with butterfly emu/butterstorm because whenever i go to load the client i get this error
  12. S

    uberCMS 2.0 issues.

    Alright, I will add your msn.
  13. S

    uberCMS 2.0 issues.

    Could you possibly, msn me or pm me the link? Because I've also hear there's a lot of exploits in uberCMS as well. or does that edit have it all fixed?
  14. S

    uberCMS 2.0 issues.

    Hi, I keep getting this error with uberCMS 2.0 UberCMS has encountered an error Table 'yomam.user_subscriptions' doesn't exist UberCMS has encountered an error Table 'yomam.user_tags' doesn't exist etc etc I also need a decent staff page for uberCMS
  15. S


    Joopzee I get that error for image 4
  16. S


    Alright, How would I fix number's 1 & 4
  17. S


    Hii, I keep getting these errors when trying to add in the tables - first - Second - Third Four. I also keep getting errors with the rooms with my R63B hotel. If anyone could help it'd be...
  18. S

    Hi fix for this?

    I'm using, Habbolatino's emulator the .sql files that're in that emulator. Ah right, I do realize that, but there is a possibly fix for every error, aye. always gotta have hope :P
  19. S

    Hi fix for this?

    Hi, so I've made an r63b habbo retro and I keep getting this error when I go to make a room, any idea on how to fix this??
  20. S

    Client re-directs to /me

    Hi, so I've made an r63b hotel and I'm wondering how to fix this, my client loads perfectly fine then it just disconnects me to the /me page, any suggestions?