If you are still having a problem, there is a fix for this. Including other fixes such as Room Plan Editor, pet stuff and all that, also aswell as badges.
This contains the following fixes:
*Display Badges
*Saving Pets
*Edit floor tiles
Yeah, he can't hack in anymore. Thank you, this is great!
Can you tell me how to fix Field 'name' doesnt have a default value
There is nothing in users with the field name.
I have a problem, every time i regsiter, it comes up with Field 'name' doesn't have a default value but then it registers their account?
I'd just like to get rid of this error, because it could make users not go online thinking their is a problem with the registration. I know it...
I am using PlusEM Habboon Edit - I've changed CMS's plenty of times, still manages to get into accounts.
I am using PlusEM Habboon Edit - I've changed CMS's plenty of times, still manages to get into accounts.
Well, i am using RevCMS - If you go to the devbest Thread RevCMS Layouts, it is version 3.5.1.
I have a standard Housekeeping in which is the RevCMS Housekeeping.
No one has access to the VPS apart from me and the owner.
I have made sure no one else does the same password. Although even how...
There is this hacker that is alwayd managing to hack into users accounts, including my own.
I dont know if their is any exploits within the cms or if its a problem,
Can someone find a solution to this and get back to me asap.
Definitely would be down to the CMS,
There would be many attempts for Boon to be hijacked literally all the time due to the member count, and regardless of that user count how much of them could be hackers.
Boon is stable and up to date with protection as i assume, so obviously nothing wrong...
I am using RevCMS, and added a news comments plugin.
I have set up the database correctly, and the code i'm not sure is correct or anything.
There's many help discussions I have read, but unfortunately they are for different versions such as PHPRetro / UberCMS.
Here is my news.php ...
I am using Version 3.5.1 of RevCMS Layouts releases, I have installed HeliconAPE for some reason, but it doesn't let me access /home/USERNAME.
It brings up a 404 error in accessing that page, maybe an SQL problem? I haven't found any INSERT INTO SQL's apart from for the rooms and...
I had the same problem,
You might have some errors within the client such as Room Plan Editor doesn't work.
Ive had all of the problems before, I have fixed it and I had re-released the fix as ***** was down at that time.
Link to my release...
Yeah, don't pay attention to him, we all know i am using RevCMS, i got the values page to work by putting the files in wwwroot folder, instead of the skins folder, and that seemed to work. But these don't work:
1. Searching for certain rares
2. Logging into the Panel for adding rares (Not by...