There is 2 things i am struggling with. As i currently have a R63A CMS on my Hotel (its a hamachi one) i want a R63A catalogue too. But im having problems with changing the catalogue i currently have to R63A. Can anyone help me with this one?
The other thing i am having problems on, is how to...
Wicket could you send me a hk news create and news page maybe that would be helpful.
Khalil, I had done that but thanks and it had applied more text, but it doesnt do a great deal of it
I have had a recent problem and I don't know how to fix it. When I create News Article for my Hotel (hamachi retro) it doesn't enter all of what I want it to, for example, it wouldn't show all of this text, it will show at least 4/6 words.
I have been quite annoyed with this problem and...
Once i create a new news article (via Housekeeping) it doesn't display all of the text i had entered.
Once the news didn't work at one point as it displayed this: table {shortstory} does not exist.
Then i had fixed, the images work perfectly, but it cuts off the text from about 9 words...
Well, I have put in the furni in 0, and changed the 'revision' table so it specified 0, but then i had put in the hotel and said ':update_items' and ':update_catalogue'. the furni still does not show and still after cache clear.
I am having issues in inserting furniture into my R63B Hamachi Hotel > Latest User Interface
I follow the steps included such as putting the codes into phpmyadmin SQL > I had made sure it was correct and it was
Put the code into furnidata.sql > Also correct
Put the SWF into the...