Okay, I have read through your posts, some were brilliant ideas, and some weren't, but still, I think it is pretty obvious who the winner is. Well done to Christ! I would also need to ask you a few questions, also.
I am giving it away because it is spare. I have another VPS, 4GB ram and a dedicated server with 12GB ram, so I could easily make a retro if I wanted to on those, or bring Quabbo back. But I thought, do a competition.. I have no troubles making a retro lol. Quabbo achieved 200+ online at one...
So, Sledmore made me purchase a VPS basically, that now I don't need due to him backing out of making a retro... Anyways, onto the lovely stuff! I have held many competitions at DevBest, mainly for domains, but this one is for a VPS (obviously), and all you have to do, is post below in detail...
Sorry about this guys. These will be done right now to all hotels that're actually online for me! Will post them one by one starting from request date.
Server may say communication error, but go ahead and connect anyway, as it will still let you into the server. I will op all that joins so you can start building etc.
I have a server. Limit of 4 players, 24/7, we aren't using it at the moment. So, if you would like to use it, go ahead. I don't mind, it has warps etc on it, and it has amazing uptime+speed. Want information? Just message me, and the people you would like to go on the servers in game names...