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  1. Jayseanp

    OricaDEV v0.4 [Admin Panel]

    Hey , I came across this Housekeeping Panel and thought i'd release it on devbest aswell , in my opinion it looks really nice. Virus Scan : Download Link ...
  2. Jayseanp

    [RevCMS] Habbo Skin Edit

    Meh welcome to revcms, nice release Jake
  3. Jayseanp

    Anti - Ad - Block - Script!

    Hey Guys, For people who own a retro, forum or whatever and use ad's to generate money this is a script for that. CSS - --------------------------------------------------------------------- <Style type = 'text / css' > # {Stickymsg position: fixed; bottom: 10px; line-height: 16px; left: 10px...
  4. Jayseanp

    Can you unlimit me? should have been done yesterday.

    Can you unlimit me? should have been done yesterday.
  5. Jayseanp

    Top Quality Services At Low Prices,

    Top Quality Services At Low Prices,
  6. Jayseanp

    [New UI] ! Updated , Custom CMS , Events Much More!

    [New UI] ! Updated , Custom CMS , Events Much More!
  7. Jayseanp

    Could, you do a facebook pp and cover pic for Habme Hotel ? The Hotel logo is ...

    Could, you do a facebook pp and cover pic for Habme Hotel ? The Hotel logo is ,
  8. Jayseanp

    Hey Legion , when is my limited account being unlimited?

    Hey Legion , when is my limited account being unlimited?
  9. Jayseanp

    Hey not , i need a habbo retro banner, for Habme Hotel New Ui New Cloths Custom CMS Hiring Staff...

    Hey not , i need a habbo retro banner, for Habme Hotel New Ui New Cloths Custom CMS Hiring Staff ddos protected
  10. Jayseanp

    League of Legends Would you consider these champs Overpowered?

    Actually thats a good point, leblanc is really annoying that triple flash -_- and then her passive. But still akali , is 1 champ which can burst anyone like i dont even know if anyone can 1v1 her lvl 6. Leblanc falls off if she doesn't get fed a.s.a.p
  11. Jayseanp

    League of Legends Would you consider these champs Overpowered?

    ---- Overpowered ----- ? - Jax - Akali - Khaz - Yasuo These are the only champs i see who face roll every game. Especially akali.
  12. Jayseanp

    League of Legends Who's Your Favorite Champ And Why?

    Who cares about the information and facts? if you dont have the skills you dont play simple. Like you Ah, dont worry you can carry on arguing i cant be asked to waste my time got to revise for my S1 And physics exam peace. 'End Of Conversation'
  13. Jayseanp

    League of Legends Who's Your Favorite Champ And Why?

    Yeh thats the thing, i dont need to research about the history of the game and waste my time , as along as i can play the game to a high standard thats what matters you might research the facts and other information about the game however when it comes to actually playing it you probably will...
  14. Jayseanp

    League of Legends Who's Your Favorite Champ And Why?

    first of all why you so concerned about my stats and who plays on a account that was originally owned by me ? also you seem to be ''pro'' by the way you act ill try get an account from a euw mate of mine then ill shut your mouth after you get hammered.
  15. Jayseanp

    League of Legends Who's Your Favorite Champ And Why? told the guy not to touch malz if he plays ranked
  16. Jayseanp

    League of Legends Wouldn't it be cool if they did this on League?

    Yeh alright first point i agree why you said no , however the second point meh, more ranked maps would be better its so boring playing ranked in the same map again and again if they added a new map for ranked would be awesome , like a 6v6 ranked team or something since there is a 3v3 ranked team
  17. Jayseanp

    League of Legends Who's Your Favorite Champ And Why?

    Well when it stops working then i move on Thats why my malz stats are 12-2 ,
  18. Jayseanp

    League of Legends Who's Your Favorite Champ And Why?

    Yeah thats true, however i tend to go tank malz , I usally go , Rod / Ryalis / Liandries / Hourglass / Magic Pen Boots / Rabadons or something along those lines always go the first items though since then im pretty much unkillable.
  19. Jayseanp

    League of Legends Wouldn't it be cool if they did this on League?

    I was thinking that it would be pretty unique and more fun if they created [HEROES] Like Hulk or Spider man or something along those likes like captain america the shield etc alot of things could be done its just a small idea but im pretty sure if they did it they would get more kids playing...
  20. Jayseanp

    League of Legends Who's Your Favorite Champ And Why?

    Well, My fav champ would be malz or khaz or leesin Reason for malz would be, His huge burst damage is so good. [late game] That snare = gg since someone will die 100% He is pretty much a tank killer and a squishy champ killer, just all in all i love malz. Fun champ to play as