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  1. Janzeer

    Staff Page Problem

    Why is your staff's rank is going like 7,6,12,11? There is the organized staff.php so now all you have to do is just rank yourself in database to 7 and you should be able to see yourself. Link:
  2. Janzeer

    Staff Page Problem

    Go to your Staff.php and make sure the table's rank matches the rank you have placed in your database for yourself.
  3. Janzeer

    [Request] Working R63 Catalogue!

    Search for Jess catalogue or v10 d0wnfall.
  4. Janzeer

    Client issues...

    Check your External variables.
  5. Janzeer

    Field 'position' doesn't have a default value

    Right click USERS in database and design table then go to POSITION and remove the tick.
  6. Janzeer

    Retro Is Devbest's habbo community dying?

    I wouldn't deny on that.
  7. Janzeer

    [REV] Web Build Issue?

    Seems fine for me.
  8. Janzeer

    My Habbo Client Stuck at Loading 50%. Please Help.

    It seems like he got his External's wrong as i can see that the config is stated as but in External's it's stated like
  9. Janzeer

    My Habbo Client Stuck at Loading 50%. Please Help.

    Your External var's are completely wrong, it seems like you dont even have a client file which consists of your R63, and make all the links to the same like you have different stuffs like %predefined% etc..
  10. Janzeer

    Phoenix - Catalogue is greyed and dosen't open.

    Use another set of SWF pack.
  11. Janzeer

    Phoenix - Catalogue is greyed and dosen't open.

    A screenshot or GIF would be enough to help you better. :)
  12. Janzeer

    [Help] RevCMS Staff page convert?

    Good work on finding the old thread to request.
  13. Janzeer

    My Habbo Client Stuck at Loading 50%. Please Help.

    Does the client disconnect after it get's connected to the hotel or does the client get stuck at hotelview? or is the client stuck at loading? Give us more details please..
  14. Janzeer

    Phoenix to gold tree emu SQL error?

    It means the SQL you are trying to insert is already there, so just delete it off from the SQL you are trying to run in the Database.
  15. Janzeer

    MercuryEmu HC d/c

    I presume this has been fixed?
  16. Janzeer

    R63B Help!

    Whats the issue with where people can gift other users?
  17. Janzeer

    [HELP] RevCMS News Help Needed [HELP]

    Well it seems pretty useful, however this would take your effort to keep changing when you have to make user's to view the latest new's. Thats why i would recommend using a MYSQL code to auto go to the updated new's.
  18. Janzeer

    [HELP] RevCMS News Help Needed [HELP]

    You gotta link it to the updated new's article, to fetch of the latest query using MYSQL.
  19. Janzeer

    Having trouble with adding furni into the catalogue [SQL]

    This is for your furnidata, it's not an sql to be run in the database.facepalm.jpg
  20. Janzeer

    Gold Tree Emulator disconnection

    Hem, Seems like it your permissions. Have you added a new rank or something? Because if you were to add new permission or new rank you should restart the emulator.