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  1. Janzeer

    Friend having trouble connecting to my client.

    You know some retro's doesn't wanna place their Secure Sessions to 0 therefore i would just use a proxy.
  2. Janzeer

    Friend having trouble connecting to my client.

    facepalm.jpg, she just said her other friend and herself can get on, this shows that it isn't the ports.
  3. Janzeer

    Friend having trouble connecting to my client.

    What do you mean by he cant get on? Does it go to index or it gets stuck at hotel view? if so check if emulator receives connection otherwise if it goes to index he has a dynamic ip address i would ask him to get 1 of the free proxy's.
  4. Janzeer

    Introduction Heyya! I am Janzeer!

    Heyya! My name is Janzeer, 18 years old living in singapore. A member of Devbest since 2012 when I was attracted by Habbo Retros, well back then I was being a total noob only wanted to be spoon-fed but as maturity takes over I would like to learn new things such as PHP, HTML and etc. I just...
  5. Janzeer

    [Help] Echo all Username

    #closethread please @Markshall @Sysode
  6. Janzeer

    [Help] Echo all Username

    It works, however it arrays in a straight line, how do I stack them up? Would a <br /> work?
  7. Janzeer

    [Help] Echo all Username

    The page takes ages to load in the end come up with server doesn't respond, I presume it create a lot of while loops.
  8. Janzeer

    [Help] Echo all Username

    Hey! i was trying to echo sql results and manage to do it. However the code only echo's 1 username while i have 3 username's in database, Can anyone help me with echo-ing the complete amount of username's in the database? <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> </head> <body>...
  9. Janzeer

    DreamHabbo Hiring!

    I don't see any applicant with the name of MarleyRetroo
  10. Janzeer


    Get a extension of the trial from Navicat's sales live department, after that make a backup of the database and uninstall navicat and redownload this it's a premium navicat. Credits to @Aruthra
  11. Janzeer

    Redirecting to xampp

    Give us more details please, like does this show after client loads? or does the page looks like this? etc.. however if the page loads and ends up to this, its your swf's and your emulator and if it looks like this then i suggest changing your cms.
  12. Janzeer

    [Help] Coding script runs on blank page

    I am using that but still to no avail. Any solution mate? @JayCustom @Wickd
  13. Janzeer

    Requesting Domain Help!

    Just go to your domain and create the DNS settings like this. Placing your domain and pointing it to your ip address, for example pointing it on the first line creating an "A" record and a "CNAME" record on the second, for example www in alias of This...
  14. Janzeer

    Staff Stats

    <?php if (mysql_num_rows($userInfo) > 0) { $x = 1; while ($staff = mysql_fetch_assoc($userInfo)) { $bans = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `bans` WHERE `added_by` = '" . $staff['username'] . "'")); $cfh = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM moderation_tickets WHERE moderator_id =...
  15. Janzeer

    Hosting Troubles

    "Hosting a retro from your computer would not allow anyone to connect without using Hamachi", i would probably not agree with this statement as he can portforward his retro however i agree with the suggestion on buying a VPS.
  16. Janzeer


    Give us more details, Is it after you setup a proxy? or is it while you trying to start up the retro? There is different solutions for each. Well, UPDATE server_settings SET enable_securesessions = '0';, If it's the proxy then you have to allow port of proxy through firewall and also check if...
  17. Janzeer

    Retro Is Devbest's habbo community dying?

    I was wondering if the Habbo community in devbest has died, as you can see none wants to help the new comers, rather all i can see is the new comers helping the other new comers which doesnt bring them anywhere. Me and my friend who has been in the community since time back, feels that people...
  18. Janzeer

    Client Disconnects when typing

    Do a check on your rank, because the default rank in a clean database would be 1-7 however if you were to place it above 7 it would disconnect you when spoken. Another reason would be you doing a custom rank which might disconnect you probably because you didnt set up the permissions right or...
  19. Janzeer

    Scroll bar on client

    Agreed and to also add on, have a look if there is a <div class="scroll> or something.
  20. Janzeer

    Looking for a VPS sponsor!

    Lol. Sometimes you dont know much yourself other than the basic setups. If he needs help he can just post thread on the help section, doing private help is being a sore.