Search results

  1. Janzeer

    (Re-Release) Panda with balloon

    Looks appropriate.
  2. Janzeer

    [Idea][Maybe Release] Devbest Throne

    Nice release mate! :)
  3. Janzeer

    [Release] Staff Badges [Release]

    Looks pretty much plain. 5/10!
  4. Janzeer

    [Release] Christmas Holos!

    Awesome! 10/10!
  5. Janzeer

    [Rel] SyberCMS [Rel]

    This would take ages to translate though,but thanks for sharing.
  6. Janzeer

    revcms exploits

    It was your forgot password exploit probably.
  7. Janzeer

    [Release] Snorlax Beanbag [Custom]

    Nice release! :)
  8. Janzeer

    [TUT] How To Create A R63 RP [Easy] [TUT]

    Well its nice to see people taking effort to share their knowledge despite having loads of tutorials out there with broken links, this is appreciated! 5/10!
  9. Janzeer

    IIS error

    Well you are right, i presume the problem was because she didnt have the .htaccess. Seriously bro? it seems like you're just building your post count.
  10. Janzeer

    is gold tree emu phoenix?

    Gold tree emulator is an edit of phoenix.
  11. Janzeer

    gold Tree emu error

    Go to server settings in database and turn secure session to 0 from 1.
  12. Janzeer

    Encryption of IP in client

    Yeah, but I have no knowledge on JavaScript, could you post a quick tutorial on how to do it? @Jerry_