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  1. Shxrty

    Nothing loads in client [Arcturus Morningstar]

    Well if your running the site on localhost instead of using localhost as the url just make it all this would include in the config.php/and external_variables and external_override_variables.
  2. Shxrty

    IIS Problem

    Is URL Rewrite 2.1 installed?
  3. Shxrty

    Nothing loads in client [Arcturus Morningstar]

    Well, What CMS are you using? It could be a linkage problem to the SWFs causing them not to load.
  4. Shxrty

    IIS Problem

    Well, try this. Delete ur current web.config from your wwwroot and replace it with mine. (back urs up pls)
  5. Shxrty

    IIS Problem

    Is there a web.config in your wwwroot folder?
  6. Shxrty

    Habbo HTML 5? Cyclone?

    They plan to release Nitro of course ( , Cyclone was released aswell but no one knows how to set it up. now, there is a project being worked on by the lovely @Maatt link to it is here...
  7. Shxrty

    Mysql cannot connect to host

    Yes he had it installed, i told him to reset the MySQL password using CMD Prompt.
  8. Shxrty

    Habbo HTML 5? Cyclone?

    Well there is a project by Billsonnnnnnn called Nitro, it works with Arcturus and its Database.
  9. Shxrty

    Making cms

    You can write it yourself, was there any issues in dev tools
  10. Shxrty

    hi dad.

    hi dad.
  11. Shxrty

    How to delete this on my client?

    The Game controller you can disable in your variables. now for the unlimited HC you can set it to xxxx years within the database user_stats i think, just set the default to like 9999 then upon registration. You can remove the HC part off of ur purse without habbo ui editor (
  12. Shxrty

    Mysql cannot connect to host

    Well, Simply goto your config.php and make sure your Database name is the same as in your Navicat/HeidiSQL (dont know which you use) If it doesn't line up well then gg
  13. Shxrty

    [Devbest Exclusive Series] [Ep. 2] How to create a online R36B Habbo Retro using a VPS and IIS

    RoomData.cs Line 87: if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["users_now"].ToString())) UsersNow = Convert.ToInt32(Row["users_now"]); else UsersNow = 0; Change to this: int intUsers; if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Row["users_now"].ToString()) &&...
  14. Shxrty

    News Article List Isn't Showing?

    Fix Provided by Bran;
  15. Shxrty

    Portforwarding my weird router

    If your doing a hotel, you should be able to goto the computer you are hosting it on (locally) and goto Windows Defender advanced firewall or some shit and allow all the ports there on your pc if you are hosting it on your pc.
  16. Shxrty

    News Article List Isn't Showing?

    Then whats the point of asking for help on this forum if your not going to share with the rest of the community how you fixed it. Say you didn't fix it and someone else helped you and you'd be appreciative. The least you can do is tell Devbest how you fixed it, instead of being a dick about it...
  17. Shxrty

    I got a cat

    ouhh okay.
  18. Shxrty

    Flash Browser for Habbo (Habflash)

    This looks really good.
  19. Shxrty

    Arcturus Morningstar SWF's [Request]

    Id send you the gitlab but last time i got warned :/
  20. Shxrty

    I got a cat

    How in the world do you say that name?