Hiya DevBest,
Lately i have been working on a portal for a project that im working on, it involves a logging system to log something.
my issue:
its for a Habbo Agency. They want to log the people who got payed, how much, and who paid. Now i got the form and the submit working but not fully...
If your using PlusEMU it is probably in emulator_settings table of your database; or its completely hard coded somewhere into the source.
If your using Arcturus Morningstar again, Emulator_settings ctrl + f and look for credits and it will come up in seconds. Now if your looking how to set the...
I dont fancy it what so ever, Its extremely buggy and weird. I went onto the turkish one the other day and really wanted to puke.
Most certainly this is a custom theme; you might not be able to find it. You could 1. Try ripping it or 2. Try CentenaryCMS. Its not far off but it was made by Revue which is in his credits. I gurantee the only way someone is going to get this CMS is by ripping it.
Imma be completely honest g, Taking predone template, throwing a habbox generated logo, throwing some why text down on it isnt 5$ worthy, not even 1$ worthy anyone can do that. But if you yourself went and made custom templates Watermarked them like across it so ppl cldnt steal it, to show what...