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  1. Damien

    Client stuck at 76%

    Are you using the correct Habbo.swf? Chances are you're using the wrong revision, resulting in it not connecting. If you have discord I can have a look for you if you're unsure how to check.
  2. Damien

    I can't code, sorry.

    I can't code, sorry.
  3. Damien

    Problem Plus Emu Forum Furni

    The problem is located in the purchase event. I'm going to take a guess and say you haven't defined the extradata for the group forums interaction type, thus having it reset to an empty string by default. This causes an error due to the fact the extradata is used for the groupId, since the...
  4. Damien

    [PlusEMU] Avatar Looks Update (Help) [Missing]

    base.WriteString(Buddy.IsOnline ? Buddy.mLook : "");
  5. Damien

    Help me please. It's Blank White Page

    Enable error reporting in your index.php file, reload the page and see if you get any errors.
  6. Damien

    Need Some help??? (jukebox)

    Yeah, i load kine from the inventory. Placing them down just to play then seems pointless to me.
  7. Damien

    Need Some help??? (jukebox)

    Well done! Out of curiosity, does yours load from the inventory or the room?
  8. Damien

    PHP Bcrypt Hashing and Verifying Passwords.

    1) Double authentication stops users from accessing housekeeping after they've been fired/demoted. They'll retain their rank till the session ends, this way it provided an extra layer of protection before they can access the ASE. One way to solve this is to do a rank check when the user hits the...
  9. Damien

    Need Some help??? (jukebox)

    Set the interaction type of the jukebox correctly? I'm assuming you've compiled the code without any errors, so that's all I can suggest doing from what you've said.
  10. Damien

    Fast Food Emulator (incomplete)

    wot lol
  11. Damien

    Group Forums

    Oh Jesus, if you have no idea what you're doing please don't bother replying. The problem is located in the purchase event. I'm going to take a guess and say you haven't defined the extradata for the group forums interaction type, thus having it reset to an empty string by default. This causes...
  12. Damien

    Jukebox for PlusEMU?

    I could code it, but It's too much effort to do it all over a help thread. If you want i can get you the packets and structures for you to start you off.
  13. Damien


  14. Damien

    more like t-slave

    more like t-slave
  15. Damien

    SSO Ticket exploit

    Just separate the SSO tickets from the user table and delete them once the user has authenticated. I find is assuming how I got slated when I posted my version a while back, but yet I've seen people have nothing but trouble with this version. Also if you're keeping the SSO's you're giving them...
  16. Damien

    Recruiting [ROLEPLAY] Front-End and Back-End Developer(s) needed.

    I will happily help you with backend development. But £80 for what? Tell us what you want done, and I'll give you a reasonable price. With 0 ideas and no inspiration, I can't justify a price worth giving. No ones going to be payed to think for you.
  17. Damien

    [PLUSEMU] GOTW points & diamonds

    To sort out you GOTW problem navigate here: For the diamonds issue, make sure it's not set to false in you "external_override_variables", if you've changed it in "external_variables" and the...
  18. Damien

    GOTW Points Enabled but always displays 10 for everyone?

    Defiantly isn't a swf issue. Allow me to explain... On habbo each currency type has it's own id, duckets is 0, 5 is diamonds, ext. On Plus GOTW points are hardcoded to the id 103 which is stars (I did re-code this for the git, but I'm guessing that was lost into space and time). Now how do you...
  19. Damien

    Request Graphics artist

    I don't have photoshop on my PC, and I'm way to simple minded to learn how to use it. If it's simple, feel free to help me out! :) Huge thanks to @Ultra managed to sort this out for me. Thread can be closed.
  20. Damien

    Request Graphics artist

    If somebody can create dye pots for each of these ICM's (Ice Cream Machines), I'll give you £10. It's not much, but it beats getting nothing ;)! -Thanks. @Owen I heard you're pretty good, show us some love! <3