Recent content by Marlboro20

  1. Marlboro20

    Allowed memory size error??? I don't know why its doing this ~_~

    Well i was thinking changing the memory_limit with ini_set() function to improve portability :s Also know i get this error PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded
  2. Marlboro20

    Allowed memory size error??? I don't know why its doing this ~_~

    can i use the ini_set function or should i change the value in php.ini?
  3. Marlboro20

    Allowed memory size error??? I don't know why its doing this ~_~

    Hey guys i am trying to make a shopping cart script and i barley started but this is what i have so far and the error its giving me but i am not sure why i am receiving it. when i added a unitialized variable the script freaked out and looked like it was in a never ending loop :/ Here is the...
  4. Marlboro20

    How do you point a domain to vps?

    How can you afford a VPS but not a domain? there 15$ per YEAR vps are around 372$ per year i believe you could use Dot TK's Free DNS Service just enter the A-Records (Your IP Address for your server)
  5. Marlboro20

    Not Connecting on Local Host?

    He is correct if the client is not working it could be your swfs or emulator ip make sure your emulator ip address and port are accessible outside of localhost BEFORE you ask me how GOOGLE it. Try different swfs pack that are known to work if one works then it must be your emulator or something else
  6. Marlboro20

    mysql_result() error.

    Sanitizing data is good practice but there is no way you could get hacked with what i wrote unless you do something like this <?php echo $stats($_GET['something']); // or echo $stats($_POST['something']); ?>
  7. Marlboro20

    mysql_result() error.

    concept i wouldn't use that code in real life
  8. Marlboro20

    mysql_result() error.

    Not an expert but shouldn't it be like this? <?php // Create connection $con=mysql_connect('HOST', 'USERNAME', 'PASSWORD') mysql_select_db('DBNAME', $con); // Check connection if (!$con) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysql_connect_error(); } ?> <center><li...
  9. Marlboro20

    How to get the best protection against DDoS attacks?

    would an exploit cause a ddos? Use a DDOS protection services like cloud flare
  10. Marlboro20

    Fucking love Samsung ( Not )

    He should hope its the battery fault its a bitc# to fix the charging port
  11. Marlboro20

    IIS,PHP,MySQLi Max Execution Time exceeded

    i use the SPR-0 autoload standards so my file is located at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\lib\database.php and it uses the database interface located at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\lib\interfaces\database.php And it was the interface :( thanks though problem fixed
  12. Marlboro20

    IIS,PHP,MySQLi Max Execution Time exceeded

    Hello community i need some help with my database class. I am sure this is an issue with IIS or PHP-CGI but i am not sure :( Here is the error i am receiving PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\lib\database.php Here is the code that is causing...
  13. Marlboro20

    Looking for web design/php coders to help with upcoming hotel.

    At least he is being honest and telling you "Eventually I will fuck you over for all your hard work" On Topic: A lot of developers don't have the time to give hand outs anymore I would recommend doing it your self or paying someone
  14. Marlboro20

    How to get the best protection against DDoS attacks?

    Hiding your IP address could help I'm not a professional on server security but there are many great tutorials out there to help