MoonPHP ~ The most advanced Habbo CMS as of 2015

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Sep 30, 2013
What's the point of taking the time to re-wire a framework when you could save time and build your own? See we're back at square one, maybe you're not yet competent enough to have an argument with moi.
Because in the 5 minutes I spent removing a few service providers in Laravel 5, would of not made an impact on the amount of time required to code it all from scratch.


not so active
Aug 24, 2014
Because in the 5 minutes I spent removing a few service providers in Laravel 5, would of not made an impact on the amount of time required to code it all from scratch.
Maybe you're just a slow developer then, or not experienced enough to design your own core?


23:37 [autobots] -!- eckostylez [[email protected]]
Nov 25, 2012
You make no sense, and as I've stated before (you would know if you read my comments like you read the original post) that the "Credits" section was to acknowledge developers in the Habbo community.

And there is no header in any file but index.php
// Insert function for MoonPHP's Database Engine.[/SIZE]
// Basic understanding on how it works under the hood

* Used for secure insert executions to the database.
* @param $table table name
* @param array $data an array of columns and values
* @return string
No credits whatsoever to Simple MVC in there.


not so active
Aug 24, 2014
// Insert function for MoonPHP's Database Engine.[/SIZE]
// Basic understanding on how it works under the hood

* Used for secure insert executions to the database.
* @param $table table name
* @param array $data an array of columns and values
* @return string
No credits whatsoever to Simple MVC in there.
That's not a header, that's not even in the original source, that's what I added so the readers could understand exactly what it was.
Notice the typo error @ "[SIZE]"


23:37 [autobots] -!- eckostylez [[email protected]]
Nov 25, 2012
That's not a header, that's not even in the original source, that's what I added so the readers could understand exactly what it was.
Notice the typo error @ "[SIZE]"
Yet still no credits.

"only reason for snippet was to show it was pdo and not mysqli" - but no credits for the code
"i added the comments so readers could understand what it was" - but no credits for the code


not so active
Aug 24, 2014
Yet still no credits.

"only reason for snippet was to show it was pdo and not mysqli" - but no credits for the code
"i added the comments so readers could understand what it was" - but no credits for the code
Welp, bet you wish you had the source to confirm your statement... sadly, you don't.
And it'll forever be my word against yours (keep in mind that I have a copy of the source).


23:37 [autobots] -!- eckostylez [[email protected]]
Nov 25, 2012
Welp, bet you wish you had the source to confirm your statement... sadly, you don't.
And it'll forever be my word against yours (keep in mind that I have a copy of the source).
I don't really care about that. It's just sad that you won't even own up and say that yes, you should have put the credits for that code. You don't go and post a snippet of code that you did not write and not provide any credits. Instead of simply agreeing with how wrong that is, you go and try and justify it with lame excuses.


not so active
Aug 24, 2014
I don't really care about that. It's just sad that you won't even own up and say that yes, you should have put the credits for that code. You don't go and post a snippet of code that you did not write and not provide any credits. Instead of simply agreeing with how wrong that is, you go and try and justify it with lame excuses.
What the actual fuck is wrong with you? If I were to "own up" and say I didn't credit him would be me lying, because I actually did credit simple-mvc because of the fact that I used more then the Database Engine in previous builds.

I used their software as reference when I was designing my software. I was going for MVC architecture for handling page request, as explained on the first page.

This is you, trying to downplay my intelligence, when I've already explained to you, taking credit for that class would be an idiotic move, because of the fact that I've changed nothing really, it could just be googled, which was exactly what you did, and exactly what I expected.


23:37 [autobots] -!- eckostylez [[email protected]]
Nov 25, 2012
What the actual fuck is wrong with you? If I were to "own up" and say I didn't credit him would be me lying, because I actually did credit simple-mvc because of the fact that I used more then the Database Engine in previous builds.

I used their software as reference when I was designing my software. I was going for MVC architecture for handling page request, as explained on the first page.
Are you stupid? You posted the code on here, as a snippet of "your" own code and project. You did not credit where that code actually came from on here and you think that is OK? You lack intelligence and basic common sense if you somehow think that is acceptable.


not so active
Aug 24, 2014
Are you stupid? You posted the code on here, as a snippet of "your" own code and project. You did not credit where that code actually came from on here and you think that is OK? You lack intelligence and basic common sense if you somehow think that is acceptable.
Are you stupid? I've never claimed the database class was my own code, and like I've said before, it was to clarify the driver of the CMS and nothing else.
And the fact that you're still arguing even though, I've explained this to you many times, is starting to annoy me... you've lost, get over it, you're wasting my time.

This is a development thread, not a release thread, if I were to release it you'd surely see credits to the simple-mvc repo on the thread as well as in the CMS itself (which happens to already be there).


23:37 [autobots] -!- eckostylez [[email protected]]
Nov 25, 2012
Are you stupid? I've never claimed the database class was my own code, and like I've said before, it was to clarify the driver of the CMS and nothing else.
And the fact that you're still arguing even though, I've explained this to you many times, is starting to annoy me... you've lost, get over it, you're wasting my time.

This is a development thread, not a release thread, if I were to release it you'd surely see credits to the simple-mvc repo on the thread as well as in the CMS itself (which happens to already be there).
The fact is you posted code on here without any credits to where it came from. It does not matter if there is a credit somewhere in the source. You don't go posting someone else's code and not provide any credit to that person. You don't have to claim anything when you do dumb shit like that. The fact that you cannot grasp such a simple concept as this baffles me.

"you've lost" - yet not one person has agreed with you.


not so active
Aug 24, 2014
The fact is you posted code on here without any credits to where it came from. It does not matter if there is a credit somewhere in the source. You don't go posting someone else's code and not provide any credit to that person. You don't have to claim anything when you do dumb shit like that. The fact that you cannot grasp such a simple concept as this baffles me.

"you've lost" - yet not one person has agreed with you.
It came from MoonPHP? And I won because I continue to get my point across regardless of the fact that you're so cocky and determined, that you cannot face defeat with a smile. Doesn't matter how many fags like your comments, they probably don't even read it, just people like you who've lost to me.

And like I said, the expected release date was so close I didn't even think I'd have to worry about fags like you, who try to catch people on precision errors, even though I've credited the original developer of the class in the source, which is really all that matters.

You can't grasp the fact that I didn't need to mention the developer in a snippet that wasn't even an official snippet, it was used to clarify, and even if I used it as a snippet I probably wouldn't go out of my way to mention the repo because it's ALREADY INCLUDED IN THE SOURCE.

You're done, guy.


23:37 [autobots] -!- eckostylez [[email protected]]
Nov 25, 2012
It came from MoonPHP? And I won because I continue to get my point across regardless of the fact that you're so cocky and determined, that you cannot face defeat with a smile. Doesn't matter how many fags like your comments, they probably don't even read it, just people like you who've lost to me.

And like I said, the expected release date was so close I didn't even think I'd have to worry about fags like you, who try to catch people on precision errors, even though I've credited the original developer of the class in the source, which is really all that matters.

You can't grasp the fact that I didn't need to mention the developer in a snippet that wasn't even an official snippet, it was used to clarify, and even if I used it as a snippet I probably wouldn't go out of my way to mention the repo because it's ALREADY INCLUDED IN THE SOURCE.

You're done, guy.
The fact that you try and make this into some winning/losing thing is trivial, a likely indication of your prepubescence. I, and clearly numerous others, think it is wrong to post another person's code without acknowledging them whatsoever when doing so. It has absolutely nothing to do with what's in the source, because like you said, none of us can see the nonexistent source.

You posted code that was not your's on a public forum and for some reason are getting frustrated because that was pointed out. Real developers don't POST other people's code without providing credits. But please, continue making excuses.

Sep 30, 2013
I think everyone on the forum can agree, Jaden is quite a hypocrite. He could of atleast used a framework and stole code the right way..


not so active
Aug 24, 2014
I think everyone on the forum can agree, Jaden is quite a hypocrite. He could of atleast used a framework and stole code the right way..
You're still on this framework shit, you cannot steal code from open source software, and the original developer was credited as stated 10+ times now.
You and ecko are quite annoying, ecko doesn't listen, and you just echo him.

Write a PDO class better than that, if you know how (because of the fact that your CMS is framework on framework on framework, it's like you barely coded anything) then we'll talk.
The fact that you try and make this into some winning/losing thing is trivial, a likely indication of your prepubescence. I, and clearly numerous others, think it is wrong to post another person's code without acknowledging them whatsoever when doing so. It has absolutely nothing to do with what's in the source, because like you said, none of us can see the nonexistent source.

You posted code that was not your's on a public forum and for some reason are getting frustrated because that was pointed out. Real developers don't POST other people's code without providing credits. But please, continue making excuses.
The code I posted was from a class in MoonPHP, where the original developer was credited for it (even though I really didn't have too, that is the respectful thing to do?). And the fact that I said the reason I posted that was for clarification regarding my CMS being PDO, rather than MySQLi. It wasn't a snippet to show progress or updates, if it was in the context of "Finished writing class.engine.php" I would certainly agree with you and you would see "Credits to the simple-mvc repo for their PDO database wrapper"

So you remain invalid, and we're back at square 1 again.


not so active
Aug 24, 2014
You can steal code from OSS.
And I've been stated that I've credited the original developer in MoonPHP, regardless of the fact that I didn't have too.
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