What are your interests?


Professional Moderator
Nov 20, 2010
Now this is the story all about how my life got flipped turned upside down
and I'd like to take a minute
just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became SMOD on a forum called Devbest

In habbo hotel, where I registered and played,
on the hotel is where I spent most of my days
chillin' out, maxin', relaxin', all cool and all
Tradin' furniture inside of my room.

when a couple of guys who were up to no good started spammin' in my Tradin' room

I sent one report and they got scared
and said, "Fuck this place your rooms shit anyway"
I invited a friend and when they came in
they said hey register on Devbest.com
if anything I could say that this convo was rare


The OGz
Aug 4, 2010
*Flight Simulator
*Scary Movies


Developer & Designer
Nov 9, 2011
To be more descriptive as a normal forum would be here goes;

I am mainly working with UI/UX design and front-end development. I have worked with this in 6 years now. I also enjoy getting my fingers dirty in back-end stuff but I like that you can show something visual to users, without they have to know what runs it.

I usually work with languages like Less/CSS, HTML, JavaScrpt, PHP and C++/Objective-C. For the design I use Photoshop with cool extensions to help me do things faster (GuideGuide & DevRocket). And I get my daily fix on .

When I am not doing all of that, I usually make music (mostly unreleased but you could ). I enjoy music a lot. More specifically; House, Techno (not that jump shit), Indie... mostly all around except what mainstream call R&B, Hip-hop and Pop (which it really isn't anyway).

Do I enjoy anything else? Friends, Family but not sports. Sports is not my cup of coffee. But I enjoy coffee with milk (no pun intended).


sudo apt-get thefuckout.tar.gz
Dec 9, 2011
Not many interests really.

Computers - I've always found computers fascinating, I think the first time I even got to play on a computer was in a library when I was like 8 or 9.
I used to go to the library all the time to play on the computers when we didn't have our own. When I was about 11 me & my friend @Roonzilla used to fuck about by setting up remote desktop connection on other computers so when people would go on them we'd scare them ha.

Music - I seriously cannot get enough of music, literally listen to it everyday. Sometimes I'll be watching a movie or something and just get the urge to listen to a certain song so I'll be like "fuck this film" and go listen, lol.

Movies - I've seen every single movie with Simon Pegg & Nick Frost in it (and TV shows i.e. Spaced). My favorite actor is Simon Pegg although my favorite genre of movies are horrors.

That's about it, really, I'm not the most exciting person around :p


Circumcised pineapples
Aug 26, 2011
Anything I can get my hands on, Programming, Computer hard ware, computer sorta soft ware, Electrical Engineering, Carpentry, Math, Gaming, Engines, Cars, barges & barge mechanics, Hydraulic fuckery (making shit move with other shit), The force, Drifting, Speakers, Mechanical engineering, Science (And I really mean everything), Space, Antimatter, your mom, Phone hardware & software, Using light to catch things on fire (Lasers), Dogs, Cats, RC Cars, RC Boats, RC planes, Forging (I love making mini swords), Destroying anything that has a mechanical use (Such as cars, computers, and your mom).

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