[UPDATED] How to make a R63B Habbo Roleplay


WebHost Founder
May 29, 2015
This is the updated version of the previous tutorial. Old archieved files will be needed to perform a retro setup, due to the MySQL update causing charset errors and PHP cgi screwing up with DLL's along with PHP Manager & URL Rewrite not installing due to signature error.

Files you'll need to download:
Navicat MySQL:
FluxCMS + SWFs:
Flux DB SQL:
Web Platform Installer:
Notepad ++:

URL Rewrite Manual Install:
PHP Manager Manual Install:
MySQL Installer (Archieved 5.7.21):

Begin by setting up IIS, this is simple.
1. Access your control panel by searching "Control Panel" in the windows search bar

2. From the main menu, click "Programs" then click "Turn windows features off or on"

3.. A box then will appear, you will want to expand the folder "Internet Information Services " then also expand "World Wide Web Services" then tick "Application Development Features".

4. Now click "ok" and they will install
5. Now, download web platform installer from the downloads at the top of the thread and open it. Something like this should appear:

6. Now, you will need to search for 3 items.
IIS Recommended Configuration
PHP 5.6
URL Rewrite 2.1

Once you have ticked these items, click "Install"

Now, we need to setup the MySQL Server.
1. Open MySQL Installer (not MySQL Server, it wont be a thing. You're INSTALLING the server) ( ) - Something like this should appear:

2. Click "Add", then you want to expand "MySQL Servers" including "MySQL Server 5.7" and then select x64 or x86 and click the Arrow to put it in the installation section.

3. Click "Install" then "Execute". This will take some time to make changes.

4. Once complete, click "Next" and you'll be ready to configure your server. Please follow pure instruction
You will want to select Standalone MySQL Server then click "Next"
You will want Development Machine with TCP / IP of 3306. If there is an error then it means another application is using that port (e.g skype can be a common one) and you'll need to close those applications to run this one.

5. You will now need to create a MySQL password (make it something you will remember) . After done, click "Next"

6. For the next bit, you will not need to edit it, so please skip it.

7. You will now have a screen which says "Apply Configuration" - Simply click Execute (May take a while on Starting Database and Starting Server)

8. When it's all done, you will want to exit the application.

Setting up Navicat (The Database)
1. Open Navicat MySQL (Something like this should appear:)

2. Click "Connection" in the top left then "MySQL". Something like this should appear:

3. For connection name, it can be anything, I suggest "RP"
Port: 3306
Host: localhost
Username: root
Password: Password is what you entered when making the MySQL Server
4. You will want to now expand "RP" and do "Create a new database" and name it Roleplay or RP. You can do this by right clicking the connection

5. Click "Ok" and now open the database by double clicking. - You will see the following;

6. Right click "Tables" then click "Execute SQL File" - The following will appear;

7. Find the SQL in your folder and then select it and click "Start"
8. Once the SQL has finished, you can now close navicat.

Extracting the CMS
1. Locate wwwroot on Local Disk in the folder "inetpub"
2. Test localhost by doing "localhost" in your browser, an IIS screen should appear

3. Now, go to wwwroot and delete everything inside it.
4. You will want to extract CMS + SWF into the wwwroot folder (Do not extract "BETA" into the folder, make sure it's all the contents not a folder)

5. Once fully extracted, you will want to navigate to wwwroot > app > management > config.php (edit with notepad plus) then this should appear


6. Edit all the links ( , FluxRP) to your roleplay's name, and at the top enter your database name and database password only.
7. Go to localhost and see if it works, if it does, something like this should appear:

Configuring variables and setting them up
1. Navigate to wwwroot > swfs > gamedata > external_variables.txt (edit with notepad) then do CTRL F and Find and Replace to your domain.

Extracting the Emulator & Setting it up
1. Extract the emulator wherever you want, somewhere where you'll remember it.
2. Open up the folder and go to FluxEMU > Build > Settings > main.ini (edit with notepad)

3. Now edit all the above, only the database, database password and tcp.bindip=

4. Now you've done that, try running the emulator .exe in FluxEMU > Build > Plus Emulator.exe - Something like this should appear (but not exactly)

5. If that works, now navigate to wwwroot > app > tpl > skins > habbo (or whatever is selected in config.php) > client.php
Navigate to line 265

Edit connection.info.host to your VPS IP
Make sure your SWF revision is correct too - Navigate to wwwroot > swfs > gordon > PRODUCTION-2015******-****** and make sure it's the correct one in the client.php

Common Errors
403.14 Forbidden

FIX: Check if your wwwroot is open or in a folder, if it's something like this:

Then go into the folder "AddedContent" and select all using CTRL A or Shift from top to bottom, then drag all into wwwroot folder rather than just that folder.

FindVotes when I click "Enter Client?" wtf? - Navigate to your skin and then "includes", then navigation and it's sometimes located in there, however, it can also be a php file such as forcevote.php then just simply remove it.

White Screen on Client - Have you tried enabling flash on the client? This is extremely common and can easily be done. Simply enable Flash on that webpage. Once done, you'll not need to do it again.
- Have you configured your variables correctly? Make sure it's not rather than your domain.
- Cleared cache? Can be a common issue that the cache for that page was there before you configured your client
- Make sure client.php is configured correctly and pointing to the right production and ip.

PHP Manager didn't install correctly. - This is common for windows 10 users and really easy to fix.
Simply do CTRL R will bring a run box up and type regedit.exe and registry editor will appear.
Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/W3SVC/Parameters/MajorVersion
Change the variable to 8 and then try to reinstall PHP Manager (It will change back to default when windows restarts, should not affect anything)

PHP Manager failed to install
PHP Manager Manual Install:

This error occurs due to a signature verification error.

URL Rewrite 2.0 failed to install
This error occurs due to a signature verification error.
URL Rewrite Manual Install:

An unknown FastCGI error occurred
This is because you've installed PHP 7.0 when it should be PHP 5.x
Simply move all contents from PHP 5.x (if installed, otherwise install PHP 5.x) into the PHP 7.0 to replace the files (easiest way)

x/php-cgi.exe - The FastCGI process exited unexpectedly
This is because the file is missing a DLL that should of been installed.
Simply download manually from then put it into the PHP 5.x folder.

I know it's not much but I have tried to do it in a noob friendly manner as much as possible.
Any problems let me know.



Mar 16, 2018
Hello there. Thanks for showing this tutorial.
I don't have the Internet infomation service, nothing happens when i install it manually.. Why?


WebHost Founder
May 29, 2015
Hello there. Thanks for showing this tutorial.
I don't have the Internet infomation service, nothing happens when i install it manually.. Why?
More than likely to do with your provider.
I suggest contacting them further or switch provider
You can message me if you need a new provider. My host provides cheap and reliable vps hosting.
Just let me know.


New Member
Sep 13, 2018
Just followed this tutorial word for word, and it's setup properly I can access the /index and /register but when I go to register my RP account, everytime no matter what email I input, it says 'Invalid Email Address' any fix for this?

Edit: fixed this issue, but when trying to enter the client I get a voting page for Flux. I have tried following the instructions on the thread. But I have no 'forcevote.php' anywhere or no 'navigation' folder inside 'includes' Any help appreciated.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2012
Just followed this tutorial word for word, and it's setup properly I can access the /index and /register but when I go to register my RP account, everytime no matter what email I input, it says 'Invalid Email Address' any fix for this?

Edit: fixed this issue, but when trying to enter the client I get a voting page for Flux. I have tried following the instructions on the thread. But I have no 'forcevote.php' anywhere or no 'navigation' folder inside 'includes' Any help appreciated.
In future post a thread in the Help section. Check the global file too, maybe it’s in there.


Posting Freak
Aug 25, 2014
Just followed this tutorial word for word, and it's setup properly I can access the /index and /register but when I go to register my RP account, everytime no matter what email I input, it says 'Invalid Email Address' any fix for this?

Edit: fixed this issue, but when trying to enter the client I get a voting page for Flux. I have tried following the instructions on the thread. But I have no 'forcevote.php' anywhere or no 'navigation' folder inside 'includes' Any help appreciated.
I believe this in the me.php file and is somewhere around line 280.
As posted by @JayCustom on another thread.


New Member
Aug 6, 2017
im stuck with this issue.. after installing SQL installer? doesnt install how yours does when i open the installer it installs the server for me but i follow your setup and get stuck at initializing database


Oct 27, 2014
im stuck with this issue.. after installing SQL installer? doesnt install how yours does when i open the installer it installs the server for me but i follow your setup and get stuck at initializing database
pm me ur discord, ill help u myself


New Member
Nov 13, 2018
Hey, everything works smooth except the client. Only Health etc bars are showing. And the rest of the client is white. I have checked the client with inspect element, and it's like it doesn't use my changes in the client.php file. I have also checked inside Client.php and my new settings are saved, what is wrong? Followed the tutorial totally on point :up:


Oct 27, 2014
Hey, everything works smooth except the client. Only Health etc bars are showing. And the rest of the client is white. I have checked the client with inspect element, and it's like it doesn't use my changes in the client.php file. I have also checked inside Client.php and my new settings are saved, what is wrong? Followed the tutorial totally on point :up:
Did you enable flash?

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