not rly active lol
Yo DevBest,
Imma show you how to do stuff.. Let's start..
1. Want to give all users F VIP? You may run this sql below;
2. Currently using an TCP Proxy but can't get access to the client? Run these sqls then do :update_settings.
3. Missing a column? You can ALWAYS make one!
4. Getting an MySQL error like a table doesn't exist? You can get the table from the SQL file!
5. Having trouble getting the real ip of a user on the website? Simple! Add this code where it meets all the files.
6. Having trouble importing a new catalogue into Gold Tree Emulator? Enter these sqls after importing the catalogue.
7. Client doesn't work, white screen or not receiving connections to the emulator? DO the following;
8. Getting disconnected when you accept a friend request? Run this sql below and then you'll be fine [:
9. Having troubles with news? Sure..
First Design the Table in Navicat, Find author column in `cms_news` and replace int to varchar!
10. Trying to Save Branding with tinypic or imgur but failed? It's easy! You can allow it by going to crossdomain.xml in your swfs folder. Then put what I put below;
11. Getting an Field 'position' doesn't have a default value then trying to register or something like that?
Here's the solution, First: Go to Navicat, then select a table, then do CTRL + D for Design Table then find that column then check on NULL!
I'll be adding more tips in the future if I can. Thanks for reading this tut.
Some tips are by JayCustom!
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Imma show you how to do stuff.. Let's start..
1. Want to give all users F VIP? You may run this sql below;
UPDATE `users` SET vip = '1'
2. Currently using an TCP Proxy but can't get access to the client? Run these sqls then do :update_settings.
UPDATE server_settings SET enable_securesessions = '0';
UPDATE server_settings SET enable_antiddos = '1';
UPDATE server_settings SET ip_lastforbans = '1';
3. Missing a column? You can ALWAYS make one!
4. Getting an MySQL error like a table doesn't exist? You can get the table from the SQL file!
`bantype` enum('user','ip','machine') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'user',
`value` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`reason` text NOT NULL,
`expire` double NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
`added_by` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`added_date` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
`appeal_state` enum('0','1','2') NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
UNIQUE KEY `value` (`value`),
KEY `bantype` (`bantype`)
5. Having trouble getting the real ip of a user on the website? Simple! Add this code where it meets all the files.
6. Having trouble importing a new catalogue into Gold Tree Emulator? Enter these sqls after importing the catalogue.
ALTER TABLE `furniture` CHANGE `interaction_type` `interaction_type` ENUM('default','gate','postit','roomeffect','dimmer','trophy','bed','scoreboard','vendingmachine','alert','onewaygate','loveshuffler','habbowheel','dice','bottle','teleport','rentals','pet','roller','water','ball','bb_red_gate','bb_green_gate','bb_yellow_gate','bb_puck','bb_blue_gate','bb_patch','bb_teleport','blue_score','green_score','red_score','yellow_score','fbgate','tagpole','counter','red_goal','blue_goal','yellow_goal','green_goal','wired','wf_trg_onsay','wf_act_saymsg','wf_trg_enterroom','wf_act_moveuser','wf_act_togglefurni','wf_trg_furnistate','wf_trg_onfurni','pressure_pad','wf_trg_offfurni','wf_trg_gameend','wf_trg_gamestart','wf_trg_timer','wf_act_givepoints','wf_trg_attime','wf_trg_atscore','wf_act_moverotate','rollerskate','stickiepole','wf_xtra_random','wf_cnd_trggrer_on_frn','wf_cnd_furnis_hv_avtrs','wf_act_matchfurni','wf_cnd_has_furni_on','puzzlebox','switch','wf_act_give_phx','wf_cnd_phx','firework','wf_act_kick_user','hopper','jukebox','musicdisc','freeze_tile','freeze_counter','freeze_ice_block','freeze_blue_gate','freeze_red_gate','freeze_green_gate','freeze_yellow_gate','freeze_exit','freeze_blue_score','freeze_red_score','freeze_green_score','freeze_yellow_score','wf_act_reset_timers','wf_cnd_match_snapshot','wf_cnd_time_more_than','wf_cnd_time_less_than') CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci NULL DEFAULT 'default';
ALTER TABLE `furniture` ADD `HeightOverride` ENUM('1', '0') NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';
ALTER TABLE `catalog_items` ADD `song_id` INT(11) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `catalog_items` ADD `BadgeID` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
7. Client doesn't work, white screen or not receiving connections to the emulator? DO the following;
- Open your ports
- Edit Client.php
- Check Emulator config
- Check if Habbo.swf is correct
- Edit your external_variables.txt
- Clear your cache after your changes
8. Getting disconnected when you accept a friend request? Run this sql below and then you'll be fine [:
ALTER TABLE `users` CHANGE `last_online` `last_online` TIME NOT NULL
9. Having troubles with news? Sure..
First Design the Table in Navicat, Find author column in `cms_news` and replace int to varchar!
10. Trying to Save Branding with tinypic or imgur but failed? It's easy! You can allow it by going to crossdomain.xml in your swfs folder. Then put what I put below;
11. Getting an Field 'position' doesn't have a default value then trying to register or something like that?
Here's the solution, First: Go to Navicat, then select a table, then do CTRL + D for Design Table then find that column then check on NULL!
I'll be adding more tips in the future if I can. Thanks for reading this tut.
Some tips are by JayCustom!
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