Show DevBest Secure your self from "Database/Table Drops".

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Dec 6, 2011
Hello everyone, so you might have experienced your self in some time some "Database" or "Table" Drops, or you might have a friend that have experienced it him self, i have experienced that situation too, but then i continued my "studies" on how to secure your self from drops, and finally made up this easy and simple code.

So, if you have a global or config file, you open it and include this class into it:
class userCore { // This is the core of the entire class, it mainly insures security.
        public function clean($str) {
            return stripslashes(htmlspecialchars(mysql_real_escape_string($str)));
        } //This function ends here.
        public function secure($input) {  //Secures that no-one registers/logs in as e.g "DROP database" and drops your entire database.
            return addslashes(htmlspecialchars(trim(strip_tags($input))));
        } //Function ends here.
      } //Class ends here.
$core = new userCore; //Creates the core-> var. May be used as $core->clean($var) or $core->secure($var).

now you got that into your config file just save and close, then go to your register or login page or anywhere where you have a form.

For an example you have a login page, just open it and look for this.

$username = $_POST['username'];

and then change it to this:

$username = $core->secure($_POST['username']);

and you can do the same thing for the password and on your register page for email, firstname....

Basically this is used in everywhere there is a post method (haven't been tested on get methods).

See how this was easy ?

btw, don't forget on your page to require your config file by doing the following:

<?php require_once "link to your global or config file"; ?>

Hope i helped, enjoy !

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