R63 to R63B Catalogue converter [PlusEMU]


not rly active lol
Jul 8, 2013
Credits go to the amazing genius, HillBilly on another forum.
All I did was change it from bcstorm to plus emu/skybird P:

Well I use this on removed and well I thought why not share it since I'm kinda getting inactive due to exams and all, thought I could contribute something..

Well so I'm not sure that this has been released, but well I can assure you I edited it myself from Tdid's converters and so yeh , here are the codes..

Furniture table:
/*  */

$host = "localhost"; 
$user = "root";   
$password = "";   
$database = "phoenix";   

mysql_connect($host, $user, $password) or die(mysql_error()); 
mysql_select_db($database) or die(mysql_error());               

$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `furniture` ORDER BY `id` ASC';
$furni = mysql_query("$sql") or die(mysql_error());
echo "INSERT INTO `furniture`(`id`, `public_name`, `item_name`, `type`, `width`, `length`, `stack_height`, `can_stack`, `can_sit`, `is_walkable`, `sprite_id`, `allow_recycle`, `allow_trade`, `allow_marketplace_sell`, `allow_gift`, `allow_inventory_stack`, `interaction_type`, `interaction_modes_count`, `vending_ids`, `is_arrow`, `foot_figure`, `height_adjustable`, `effectM`, `effectF`, `subscriber`) VALUES ";
while ($output = mysql_fetch_array($furni)){
$name = mysql_real_escape_string("$output[public_name]");
('<?php echo "$output[id]"; ?>',
'<?php echo $name; ?>',
'<?php echo "$output[item_name]"; ?>',
'<?php echo "$output[type]"; ?>',
'<?php echo "$output[width]"; ?>',
'<?php echo "$output[length]"; ?>',
'<?php if
("$output[stack_height]" == 1)
elseif ("$output[stack_height]" == 2)
elseif ("$output[stack_height]" == 3)
elseif ("$output[stack_height]" == 4)
elseif ("$output[stack_height]" == 5)
elseif ("$output[stack_height]" == 6)
elseif ("$output[stack_height]" == 0)
echo "$output[stack_height]";
'<?php echo "$output[can_stack]"; ?>',
'<?php echo "$output[can_sit]"; ?>',
'<?php echo "$output[is_walkable]"; ?>',
'<?php echo "$output[sprite_id]"; ?>',
'<?php echo "$output[allow_recycle]"; ?>',
'<?php echo "$output[allow_trade]"; ?>',
'<?php echo "$output[allow_marketplace_sell]"; ?>',
'<?php echo "$output[allow_gift]"; ?>',
'<?php echo "$output[allow_inventory_stack]"; ?>',
'<?php echo "$output[interaction_type]"; ?>',
'<?php echo "$output[interaction_modes_count]"; ?>',
'<?php echo "$output[vending_ids]"; ?>',
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
echo "Done!";

Catalog Items table:
/*  */

$host = "localhost";
$user = "root";     
$password = "";     
$database = "phoenix";     

mysql_connect($host, $user, $password) or die(mysql_error()); 
mysql_select_db($database) or die(mysql_error());                 

$sql = 'SELECT * FROM `catalog_items` ORDER BY `catalog_items` . `id` ASC';
$catalog_items = mysql_query("$sql") or die(mysql_error());                             
echo "INSERT INTO `catalog_items`(`id`, `page_id`, `item_ids`, `catalog_name`, `cost_credits`, `cost_duckets`, `cost_snow`, `amount`, `vip`, `achievement`, `song_id`, `limited_sells`, `limited_stack`, `offer_active`, `extradata`, `cost_pixels` , `badge`) VALUES ";     
while ($output = mysql_fetch_array($catalog_items)){                                         
'<?php echo "$output[id]"; ?>',
'<?php echo "$output[page_id]"; ?>',
'<?php echo "$output[item_ids]"; ?>',
'<?php echo "$output[catalog_name]"; ?>',
'<?php echo "$output[cost_credits]"; ?>',
'<?php echo "$output[cost_pixels]"; ?>',
'<?php echo "$output[amount]"; ?>',
''),<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
echo "Done";

Well I'm sorry, I didn't make a page sql since it was easy to change the page columns by default so yeh .. To those who want to change from phoenix to plus and want to keep your current cata, you need to convert your items table aswell , leave me pm and I might make one for ya guys , well so anyway how to use this :

make a php file called whatever you want , mine for example is gloffin.php , so what you do is upload your phoenix sqls to a new table for phoenix and then link it to your .php file
$host = "localhost"; 
$user = "root";   
$password = "";   
$database = "phoenix";
that, put in your correct details and keep the database to your phoenix database , and if you go to your url bar and type in , for example localhost/gloffin.php you will be getting the sqls converted to plus.

So yeah .. there you have it P: All you need is some experience and some brains.

Don't forget that in the end of the sql , change ',' to ';'

Rep maybe?

Credits to Tdid on another forum.
Credits goes to Vaulient for creating this thread on another forum.


May 9, 2011
Looks like a good script, but how do i use it, im not that sure on your instructions, i have loaded the codes into 3 different php files like u shown, i added my db password to it, amd then went to the links and it shows me sql's but i dont know what to do after that. because if i try to copy and past it into my db it says an error.

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