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Active Member
Jun 27, 2011
I've been partying hard for easter sunday, so not much have been done, but I've finished the profile page??


$_GET the pages are used through is_numeric() (1, 2)
Password has a set of arrays() that require to be successful for it to be updated
$_SESSION will be updated upon password being updated
Email has a set of arrays() that require to be successful for it to be updated
Somewhat simple and sexy, I didn't like how Wabbo did all its settings on one page, I think this is better. (x

Louis, I don't need to compare something what you can't apprehend, I admit you're good at photoshop. I won't need to come and talk to you because we're communicating right here, besides this will be publicly released soon and all your hard work will be crumbled to nothing as I have no doubt that this is an improvement from your CMS, but ohohohoh it's sure as hell fun to see you pissed.


the names ethan
Nov 4, 2012
I've been partying hard for easter sunday, so not much have been done, but I've finished the profile page??


  • $_GET the pages are used through is_numeric() (1, 2)
  • Password has a set of arrays() that require to be successful for it to be updated
  • $_SESSION will be updated upon password being updated
  • Email has a set of arrays() that require to be successful for it to be updated
Somewhat simple and sexy, I didn't like how Wabbo did all its settings on one page, I think this is better. (x

Louis, I don't need to compare something what you can't apprehend, I admit you're good at photoshop. I won't need to come and talk to you because we're communicating right here, besides this will be publicly released soon and all your hard work will be crumbled to nothing as I have no doubt that this is an improvement from your CMS, but ohohohoh it's sure as hell fun to see you pissed.

Wot about change motto?


Feb 23, 2013
I've been partying hard for easter sunday, so not much have been done, but I've finished the profile page??


  • $_GET the pages are used through is_numeric() (1, 2)
  • Password has a set of arrays() that require to be successful for it to be updated
  • $_SESSION will be updated upon password being updated
  • Email has a set of arrays() that require to be successful for it to be updated
Somewhat simple and sexy, I didn't like how Wabbo did all its settings on one page, I think this is better. (x

Louis, I don't need to compare something what you can't apprehend, I admit you're good at photoshop. I won't need to come and talk to you because we're communicating right here, besides this will be publicly released soon and all your hard work will be crumbled to nothing as I have no doubt that this is an improvement from your CMS, but ohohohoh it's sure as hell fun to see you pissed.
OML Sexxy! Can't wait for you to finish. :D
You should also make a badgeshop :p


#1 Baller
Jul 9, 2012
This looks fantastic, you could definitely go far with this design, just keep the updates running through and keep thi thread up to date on what's happening! Good luck fella'


Active Member
Jun 27, 2011

I didn't like how Wabbo did their staff page, theirs looked a little to common for a well put up design.

    die('<h1>Access denied</h1><p>You do not have the privileges to access this webpage.</p>');
$staff = new template2('staff');
$staff->Set('username', $usr->UserField('username', $usr->UserID($_SESSION['username'])));
$query = $db->query('SELECT username, rank, look, online FROM users WHERE rank >= 5 ORDER BY rank DESC LIMIT 50');
while ($row = $query->fetch_assoc())
    $ranks = array(5 => 'Gold Hobba', 6 => 'Moderator', 7 => 'Administrator');
    foreach ($ranks as $id => $name)
        if ($id == $row['rank'])
            $rank = $name;
    if ($row['online'] == 0)
        $online = 'offline';
        $online = 'online';
    $result .= '
                            <div class="staff-container">
                                <div class="name">'.$row['username'].'</div>
                                <div class="rank">'.$rank.'</div>
                                <div class="status '.$online.'"></div>
                                <div class="avatar" style="background:url(http://habbo.com/habbo-imaging/avatarimage?figure='.$row['look'].'&direction=4&amp;head_direction=4&amp;size=l) no-repeat;"></div>
$staff->Set('lol', $result);


Some people...
Jul 27, 2012
Something tells me this isn't going to be as good as made out. Compared to other developments, it feels you're rushing this a lot.

Also, that staff page looks like shit.


Active Member
Jun 27, 2011
Well aren't you all little cry babies, lulz.


I'm not to sure if Wabbo is down because of me (so they attempt to stop me from ripping their design, it's a shame they forget all I needed was a screenshot, ops). Anyway this is taking me a little time to code so here's a first picture of the forums.

  • Forum categories (able to make your own categories, via the database)
  • Forum Topics (able to create your own topics for your categories, via the database)
  • Topic: Announcements (Upon creating a thread in here, it'll make a new feed on the me/community page)
  • Forum Threads (open/close)
  • Forum Posts (post/edit/delete)
  • Staff Forums (rank 5+)


Feb 23, 2013
Well aren't you all little cry babies, lulz.


I'm not to sure if Wabbo is down because of me (so they attempt to stop me from ripping their design, it's a shame they forget all I needed was a screenshot, ops). Anyway this is taking me a little time to code so here's a first picture of the forums.

  • Forum categories (able to make your own categories, via the database)
  • Forum Topics (able to create your own topics for your categories, via the database)
  • Topic: Announcements (Upon creating a thread in here, it'll make a new feed on the me/community page)
  • Forum Threads (open/close)
  • Forum Posts (post/edit/delete)
  • Staff Forums (rank 5+)

amazing. (; Can't wait till you finish. And you are very fast working. Which is cool. :p


Chaturbate Livestreamer
Staff member
FindRetros Moderator
Jul 24, 2010
Thread cleaned.

No more talking about steeling designs and what not, if he does then meh fair enough - we're all taking shit from Habbo as it is. More spam = instant point to your account.

I don't see you doing this, you've had other developments, where are they again? Oh closed right.


thinking about you. yes you
Dec 11, 2011
I don't see you doing this, you've had other developments, where are they again? Oh closed right.
^ This.

I hope you're not once again giving the community false hope a good looking CMS only to close the development again. Looks good and to all the other comments about stealing designs... We take from Habbo?

Good luck once again.


Bobby Billionaire
Feb 8, 2012
OP is a basic coder. He can't even implement tinymce or ckeditor for the posting, lul.

, so that goes for every website right? I can steal your personal website designs and say "We take from Habbo?" Okay, done deal. :)

oh Louis

Oct 24, 2011
You didn't even code the theme Wabbo uses and it just looks like all you did was the CATALOGUE.

Biggest Thief/Design Ripper? LMFAO You can't even code a good theme like Wabbo's or the one Predict is doing, from wabbo's theme.

So can I talk then? I think what Predict is pretty cool, the CMS at least, but I would of preferred if he used a different design. Wish Predict luck, and hopefully he can finish this, the community needs another good CMS out there (well edit at least.) Good luck Predict!
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