- Nov 10, 2016
- 356
- 138
A lot of retros lately say they're 'casino orientated', etc. So I made a really simple command which may help some of the users. It will simply close all the dice in their booth; this way they don't have to click each of them one by one. Also prevents cheating as in the past I have experienced people claiming that they rolled the dice when it was the same as last time; the common excuse is 'lag'. Closing dice will often get rid of this .
Go to Gamemap.cs and find
above that put the following
Go to RoomUser.cs and find
Below that put
Create a new file called CloseDiceCommand.cs in HabboHotel/Rooms/Chat/Commands/User and put the following content;
and next you want to register the command so go to CommandManager.cs and find
Below this you will want to add
Configuration Options
You can easily remove the 5 die limit by removing the following lines in the CloseDiceCommand;
You can also create other commands like :rollall which will roll all the dice around you. Just modify;
An example would be
Go to Gamemap.cs and find
public static bool TilesTouching(int X1, int Y1, int X2, int Y2)
public static bool TilesTouching(Point p1, Point p2)
return TilesTouching(p1.X, p1.Y, p2.X, p2.Y);
Go to RoomUser.cs and find
public int VirtualId;
public Point Point => new Point(Position.X, Position.Y);
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.Chat.Commands.User
class CloseDiceCommand : IChatCommand
public string PermissionRequired
get { return "command_close_dice"; }
public string Parameters
get { return ""; }
public string Description
get { return "Closes your dice when in a tradition 5 die booth."; }
public void Execute(GameClients.GameClient Session, Rooms.Room Room, string[] Params)
RoomUser roomUser = Room?.GetRoomUserManager()?.GetRoomUserByHabbo(Session.GetHabbo().Id);
if (roomUser == null)
List<Items.Item> userBooth = Room.GetRoomItemHandler().GetFloor.Where(x => x != null && Gamemap.TilesTouching(
x.Coordinate, roomUser.Point) && x.Data.InteractionType == Items.InteractionType.DICE).ToList();
if(userBooth.Count != 5)
Session.SendWhisper("You must be in a booth with 5 dice.");
userBooth.ForEach(x => {
x.ExtraData = "0";
Session.SendWhisper("Your booth dice have been closed");
and next you want to register the command so go to CommandManager.cs and find
this.Register("disablemimic", new DisableMimicCommand());
this.Register("closedice", new CloseDiceCommand());
Configuration Options
You can easily remove the 5 die limit by removing the following lines in the CloseDiceCommand;
if(userBooth.Count != 5)
Session.SendWhisper("You must be in a booth with 5 dice.");
You can also create other commands like :rollall which will roll all the dice around you. Just modify;
userBooth.ForEach(x => {
x.ExtraData = "0";
An example would be
userBooth.ForEach(x => {
x.ExtraData = Rand.SeedNext(1, 6).ToString();
Other Commands
:rig <number> - Allows you to rig the next dice roll.Here is :rig <number> command. Not a fan of rigging but can be used for staff to set dice for events; e.g. rare grabber, etc. This was a request.
First go to InteractorDice.cs and find
and replace it with
Next go to Habbo.cs and find
and below this put
Then create a new command called RigCommand.cs and put the following
Next go to ChatManager.cs and find
and then below this add
First go to InteractorDice.cs and find
Item.ExtraData = "-1";
Item.ExtraData = Session.GetHabbo().riggedRoll;
Session.GetHabbo().riggedRoll = "-1";
Next go to Habbo.cs and find
private static readonly ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger("Plus.HabboHotel.Users");
public string riggedRoll { get; set; } = "-1";
Then create a new command called RigCommand.cs and put the following
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Plus.HabboHotel.Rooms.Chat.Commands.User
class RigCommand : IChatCommand
public string PermissionRequired
get { return "command_rig_dice"; }
public string Parameters
get { return "%number%"; }
public string Description
get { return "Rig a die roll."; }
public void Execute(GameClients.GameClient Session, Rooms.Room Room, string[] Params)
int RollId = 0;
if (Params.Length == 0 && !int.TryParse(Params[0], out RollId))
Session.SendWhisper("Please enter a valid roll id.");
Session.GetHabbo().riggedRoll = Params[0];
Session.SendWhisper($"Your next die roll will be {Params[0]}");
Next go to ChatManager.cs and find
this.Register("disablemimic", new DisableMimicCommand());
this.Register("rig", new RigCommand());
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