Novice confusion....


New Member
Jan 20, 2023
Hello to all community of DevBest!!

I would like to submit my topic to your attention by premising that I have never created a retro and I know nothing about programming: not even the minimal basics of it.

I would like to apologize in advance for my (perhaps) useless topic and I recognize that my lack of practice in written English understanding is not an excuse for opening this topic.
So I also recognize my laziness in trying to experiment with your tutorials which I do not want to belittle in the least, on the contrary, I appreciate and admire your knowledge and skills in this regard, however, I would like to first clarify in general all the general structure that makes up a retro.

To make a long story short I open this topic because I hope it will help those like me who are unclear about it despite the site being full of good material. I apologize for the length of the premise and go straight to my doubts.

- DB server: (ex. MariaDB) I know what it is in general but I see a lot of different databases and I was wondering what is the difference between all of them (ex: MariaDB) and what kind of files you have to put inside the database to create the hotel.
As I understand the DB should contain all the basic files to make the back work, but I am not sure...sorry.

- PHP: I know it is in programming language, but I wonder what role it plays in creating a retro.

-Composer: I have no idea what it is and what it is for in creating the retro.

-GIT: as I know it is a command, but I have no idea what it is for in retro creation.

-CMS: (ex. Atom CMS) the cms, as I understand it, should be the part that the end user interacts with. So what we see in the screen. For example before on habbo the FlashUI was used now instead it has been replaced by Unity. These should be the CMS, right? correct me if I'm wrong and sorry again for my ignorance on this...

-Emulator: (ex. Arcturus EMU) The emulator I really have no idea what it does. I know there are emulators for retrogames that basically read the game file and make it usable graphically.
In the case of retro the emulator is Nitro? Just in case I ask for Nitro's explanation in another paragraph: if I guessed that Nitro is the emulator just safely skip the paragraph.

-Nitro: what is nitro and what is it for?

-Navicat xampp: what are they, what are they used for?

I will conclude by stating that my intention is not to create a retroserver that goes online but only locally; my preference is to create a hotel with graphics almost the same as habbo in all aspects, but with custom furni and looks. I think I will open another topic for this topic if needed.

Thank you in advance for your great patience and attention to my post!!!
I apologize again so much for the length of the post, for any mistakes in writing and especially for my confusion regarding the topic “Retroserver Habbo”.

Greetings to all DevBest!


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2013
- DB server: Google
- PHP: Google
-Composer: Google
-GIT: Google
-CMS: It's the website, where the users login and register.

-Emulator: Backend of the game. Runs on the server.

- Nitro: This is what replaced the SWF components, it's the UI inside the game. The frontend of the game. Runs on the client.

-Navicat xampp: Google

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