Video Never Say That to an Athiest


fight teh power
Staff member
May 3, 2010
I agree with everything, aside for his 13th point. I find it highly ignorant to claim definitively that there is no God, and leave that possibility (entirely) off the table. While it is unlikely, there is still a possibility until we know for certain what happens after death, among other things.

If you claim that there is no God, you are being just as ignorant as someone who believes in a God. There is no way for us to currently prove one way or the other.


thinking about you. yes you
Dec 11, 2011
I'm Christian but I kind of agree with a bunch of stuff he said. I mean, I think some religious people have put out that this is what we are, this is what we do but we don't all act in the way that a lot of people think (the guy in the video gave several scenarios).

I believe that there is somewhat a God but I couldn't give a toss if anyone else doesn't agree and I'm not going to shove it down their throat with a stick either.

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