how to remove fluxRP voting


Deutsch Techno-Freak WIR SIND EIN
Feb 21, 2011
As you may know fluxrp has a force voteing page link well if you folowed @Gang67 tutorial you notice that when you hit the client you get redirected to the voting page of fluxrp well you can remove that and change it to yours or remove it in full let me show you.

1) go on to your VPS and Sign In
should look like this

2) next go to the folowing C drive>intepub>wwwroot>app>tpl>Habbo>Includes>and select header.php

3) open Header.php and go to Line 275 this is where you can see the link that leads to the find retros page you can remove it or edit it to your heart content
        <a style='' href="" class="new-button green-button" target="_blank"><b>Enter {hotelname}</b><i></i></a>
hope this helps not my best tutorial as i don't do them but it saves people time posting threads asking where do i remove this or edit it.
oh yeah in the habbo skin go to me.php and look for line 283 and change the fluxrp vote to yours or remove it

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