How did you find about DevBest?


Solo Dolo
Dec 27, 2010
I found it because I was on MSN and a Leet coder known as Craig advertised it to me.
I joined because I thought if a good coder like craig is on it then it most be something good.


The OGz
Aug 4, 2010
I found DevBest by following retro's what of course (TheHabbos). I joined when DevBest was just in it's MYBB stage but soon changed to VB after a couple of months.

DevBest is a great community, we all have some arguments here and some people rage quit but look at other communitys were staff are strict and stuck up and don't give a shit if a user quits (I'm talking about when I was not moderator) I love how Rasta has created a community that has helped us develop skills and show off our current skills in many variations, I have met loads of interesting people who have stuck around and helped with the community. (Kush, Tom, Bazinga, M0nsta., Meap, Sindre, Josh and many others) I hope you agree and see you in the future also :D.


Jun 10, 2010
I first joined when it was called "TheHabbos", by seeing the forum link on TheHabbos Topsites. I later sent in an application, and iDream and I were selected to be the first moderators. Happy 1 year DevBest!


Posting Freak
Jul 7, 2010
Well, My story is longer then you would think, but it is interesting (kinda)
So, I think it was sometime around the beginning of July, I was a regular user of Otaku Studios, but got perm banned, for advertising cheap hosting. Anyways, After I was rudely banned (my first ever infraction at Otaku, or any forum for that matter), I immediately knew that that was just not the place for me. I figured ***** was an Option, but I knew that it was too big of a community for me, so I just decided to stay away from there. I was looking for somewhere with a sense of community, heart, if you will. So I was busy browsing TheHabbos (a routine activity, back then), and came across forums, (We weren't DevBest back then). I started looking through it, and found that TheHabbos was where I wanted to be, small, but still strong. So I stayed, I lurked around for two weeks or so, then kind of stopped using it, I had just recently got accepted as a mod on Habbolt World, a small RP. After a while, I ended up leaving Habboltworld, and came back to DevBest in late August. From the time I had left, DevBest had went from forums to I was so happy that it had achieved what it had, So I stayed on the forums then, barely wavering away from the forums for very long. I have been here, happily posting and spending time here ever since then.

I <3 DevBest


Dec 25, 2010
On thehabbos Cause I Used To Work At A Retro and We Always Dreamed Of Coming In top 25 On thehabbos and then i saw the forum button and clicked it and then i just joined the community when i didn't even know how to create a retro and i believe this is the first forum that ever inspired me enough to keep pushing threw to finally Make One. Giving a big thanks to RastaLulz for Keeping the forum going :D


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2011
I hope this is not bumping...
It's the mid of July, when a retro named "Smooth" was still alive (my life, before).
My friend posted a status on Facebook saying he would make a Habbo Hotel, I asked him how & he told me to Google. I searched over the stuffs I need to make it complete, and DevBest appeared. That time, I have no knowledge of everything, I was a total noob, I didn't even planned on staying. Due to the links censored, I was forced to register (via Facebook). After months pass by, I decided to go back, unfortunately I forgot my password. So, I registered via Facebook. It was 29th of August when I re-registered. Still, it's the same... "I have no knowledge of everything, I was a total noob, I didn't even planned on staying." And then, when I stayed a bit for long, having my 25th post, I realized it's worth here, however, my username is long, so I re-registered as Vineen. The lulz were good so I stayed, and standing & knowing what I know now because of DevBest. And I thank him. His username here is , Laurence is his real name.:up:


the best cis-boy
Jun 1, 2010
Was a Habbo tard at the time, joined right after "TheHabbos Forums" reopened.
First moderator with Buzzy, and first one to reach 100 and (I think) 500 posts.


Posting Freak
Mar 12, 2011
When Rastalulz had retired from RZ, i was told he made a new forum, [I was too lazy to join be active on 2 forums[ Then i noticed Sledmore on there, i was like hell i'll join anyway.

Then the i met Kryptos, made a few developments, Retired for a while, while i learned, RevEmu was created.
What can be any better? Best CMS going is being developed, and the most Updated Emulator, Open-Source, is being developed.

Heck Devbest has some legit developers.

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