[Help]Stupid Unknow Error[Help]

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I <3 Bianca
Sep 13, 2010
So i gotten this:

ok that no error there and its connected to class.user.php and i clicked user then gotten this:

code of class.user.php:
*    CookieFramework Edition        *
*        Coded: Li1M0ST3Rz          *
*    Developed: CookieMonster      *
*    2nd Developed: xElmo          *
* Flexible Access - The main class*
*                                  *
* @param string $dbName              *
* @param string $dbHost          *
* @param string $dbUser              *
* @param string $dbPass              *
* @param string $dbTable          *
class flexibleAccess{
  * The database that we will use
  * var string
  var $dbName = 'cookie';
  * The database host
  * var string
  var $dbHost = 'localhost';
  * The database port
  * var int
  var $dbPort = 3306;
  * The database user
  * var string
  var $dbUser = 'root';
  * The database password
  * var string
  var $dbPass = 'yei1440';
  * The database table that holds all the information
  * var string
  var $dbTable  = 'users';
  var $dbData = 'cookie';
  * The session variable ($_SESSION[$sessionVariable]) which will hold the data while the user is logged on
  * var string
  var $sessionVariable = 'userSessionValue';
  * Those are the fields that our table uses in order to fetch the needed data. The structure is 'fieldType' => 'fieldName'
  * var array
  var $tbFields = array(
      'userID'=> 'userID',
      'login' => 'username',
      'pass'  => 'password',
      'email' => 'email',
      'active'=> 'active'
  * When user wants the system to remember him/her, how much time to keep the cookie? (seconds)
  * var int
  var $remTime = 2592000; //One month
  * The name of the cookie which we will use if user wants to be remembered by the system
  * var string
  var $remCookieName = 'CookiePass';
  * The cookie domain
  * var string
  var $remCookieDomain = '';
  * The method used to encrypt the password. It can be sha1, md5 or nothing (no encryption)
  * var string
  var $passMethod = 'sha1';
  * Display errors? Set this to true if you are going to seek for help, or have troubles with the script
  * var bool
  var $displayErrors = true;
  /*Do not edit after this line*/
  var $userID;
  var $dbConn;
  var $userData=array();
  * Class Constructure
  * @param string $dbConn
  * @param array $settings
  * @return void
  function flexibleAccess($dbConn = '', $settings = '')
        if ( is_array($settings) ){
            foreach ( $settings as $k => $v ){
                    if ( !isset( $this->{$k} ) ) die('Property '.$k.' does not exists. Check your settings.');
                    $this->{$k} = $v;
        $this->remCookieDomain = $this->remCookieDomain == '' ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : $this->remCookieDomain;
        $this->dbConn = ($dbConn=='')? mysql_connect($this->dbHost.':'.$this->dbPort, $this->dbUser, $this->dbPass):$dbConn;
        if ( !$this->dbConn ) die(mysql_error($this->dbConn));
        mysql_select_db($this->dbName, $this->dbConn)or die(mysql_error($this->dbConn));
        if( !isset( $_SESSION ) ) session_start();
        if ( !empty($_SESSION[$this->sessionVariable]) )
            $this->loadUser( $_SESSION[$this->sessionVariable] );
        //Maybe there is a cookie?
        if ( isset($_COOKIE[$this->remCookieName]) && !$this->is_loaded()){
          //echo 'I know you<br />';
          $u = unserialize(base64_decode($_COOKIE[$this->remCookieName]));
          $this->login($u['uname'], $u['password']);
      * Login function
      * @param string $uname
      * @param string $password
      * @param bool $loadUser
      * @return bool
  function login($uname, $password, $remember = false, $loadUser = true)
        $uname    = $this->escape($uname);
        $password = $originalPassword = $this->escape($password);
          case 'sha1':
              $password = "SHA1('$password')"; break;
          case 'md5' :
              $password = "MD5('$password')";break;
          case 'nothing':
              $password = "'$password'";
        $res = $this->query("SELECT * FROM `{$this->dbTable}`
        WHERE `{$this->tbFields['login']}` = '$uname' AND `{$this->tbFields['pass']}` = $password LIMIT 1",__LINE__);
        if ( @mysql_num_rows($res) == 0)
            return false;
        if ( $loadUser )
            $this->userData = mysql_fetch_array($res);
            $this->userID = $this->userData[$this->tbFields['userID']];
            $_SESSION[$this->sessionVariable] = $this->userID;
            if ( $remember ){
              $cookie = base64_encode(serialize(array('uname'=>$uname,'password'=>$originalPassword)));
              $a = setcookie($this->remCookieName,
              $cookie,time()+$this->remTime, '/', $this->remCookieDomain);
        return true;
      * Logout function
      * param string $redirectTo
      * @return bool
  function logout($redirectTo = '')
    setcookie($this->remCookieName, '', time()-3600);
    $_SESSION[$this->sessionVariable] = '';
    $this->userData = '';
    if ( $redirectTo != '' && !headers_sent()){
      header('Location: '.$redirectTo );
      exit;//To ensure security
      * Function to determine if a property is true or false
      * param string $prop
      * @return bool
  function is($prop){
      return $this->get_property($prop)==1?true:false;
      * Get a property of a user. You should give here the name of the field that you seek from the user table
      * @param string $property
      * @return string
  function get_property($property)
    if (empty($this->userID)) $this->error('No user is loaded', __LINE__);
    if (!isset($this->userData[$property])) $this->error('Unknown property <b>'.$property.'</b>', __LINE__);
    return $this->userData[$property];
      * Is the user an active user?
      * @return bool
  function is_active()
    return $this->userData[$this->tbFields['active']];
  * Is the user loaded?
  * @ return bool
  function is_loaded()
    return empty($this->userID) ? false : true;
      * Activates the user account
      * @return bool
  function activate()
    if (empty($this->userID)) $this->error('No user is loaded', __LINE__);
    if ( $this->is_active()) $this->error('Allready active account', __LINE__);
    $res = $this->query("UPDATE `{$this->dbTable}` SET {$this->tbFields['active']} = 1
    WHERE `{$this->tbFields['userID']}` = '".$this->escape($this->userID)."' LIMIT 1");
    if (@mysql_affected_rows() == 1)
        $this->userData[$this->tbFields['active']] = true;
        return true;
    return false;
  * Creates a user account. The array should have the form 'database field' => 'value'
  * @param array $data
  * return int
  function insertUser($data){
    if (!is_array($data)) $this->error('Data is not an array', __LINE__);
      case 'sha1':
          $password = "SHA1('".$data[$this->tbFields['pass']]."')"; break;
      case 'md5' :
          $password = "MD5('".$data[$this->tbFields['pass']]."')";break;
      case 'nothing':
          $password = $data[$this->tbFields['pass']];
    foreach ($data as $k => $v ) $data[$k] = "'".$this->escape($v)."'";
    $data[$this->tbFields['pass']] = $password;
    $this->query("INSERT INTO `{$this->dbTable}` (`".implode('`, `', array_keys($data))."`) VALUES (".implode(", ", $data).")");
    return (int)mysql_insert_id($this->dbConn);
  * Creates a random password. You can use it to create a password or a hash for user activation
  * param int $length
  * param string $chrs
  * return string
  function randomPass($length=10, $chrs = '1234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm'){
    for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
        $pwd .= $chrs{mt_rand(0, strlen($chrs)-1)};
    return $pwd;
      * SQL query function
      * @access private
      * @param string $sql
      * @return string
  function query($sql, $line = 'Uknown')
    //if (defined('DEVELOPMENT_MODE') ) echo '<b>Query to execute: </b>'.$sql.'<br /><b>Line: </b>'.$line.'<br />';
    $res = mysql_db_query($this->dbName, $sql, $this->dbConn);
    if ( !res )
        $this->error(mysql_error($this->dbConn), $line);
    return $res;
      * A function that is used to load one user's data
      * @access private
      * @param string $userID
      * @return bool
  function loadUser($userID)
    $res = $this->query("SELECT * FROM `{$this->dbTable}` WHERE `{$this->tbFields['userID']}` = '".$this->escape($userID)."' LIMIT 1");
    if ( mysql_num_rows($res) == 0 )
        return false;
    $this->userData = mysql_fetch_array($res);
    $this->userID = $userID;
    $_SESSION[$this->sessionVariable] = $this->userID;
    return true;
      * Produces the result of addslashes() with more safety
      * @access private
      * @param string $str
      * @return string
  function escape($str) {
    $str = get_magic_quotes_gpc()?stripslashes($str):$str;
    $str = mysql_real_escape_string($str, $this->dbConn);
    return $str;
      * Error holder for the class
      * @access private
      * @param string $error
      * @param int $line
      * @param bool $die
      * @return bool
  function error($error, $line = '', $die = false) {
    if ( $this->displayErrors )
        echo '<b>Error: </b>'.$error.'<br /><b>Line: </b>'.($line==''?'Unknown':$line).'<br />';
    if ($die) exit;
    return false;
      public $uid = 0;
      public $userid = 0;
      public $username;
      public $email;
      public $name;
public $logged_in = null;
public $rank;
  function loginCheck()
          if (isset($_SESSION['username']) && $_SESSION['username'] != "Guest") {
              $row = $this->getUserInfo($_SESSION['username']);
              $this->uid = $row['id'];
              $this->username = $row['username'];
              $this->email = $row['email'];
              $this->name = $row['fname'].' '.$row['lname'];
              $this->rank = $row['rank'];
              return true;
          } else {
              return false;
  function startSession()
        $this->logged_in = $this->loginCheck();
        if (!$this->logged_in) {
            $this->username = $_SESSION['username'] = "Guest";
            $this->rank = 0;
      private function getUserId()
            global $core;
          if (isset($_GET['userid'])) {
              $userid = (is_numeric($_GET['userid']) && $_GET['userid'] > -1) ? intval($_GET['userid']) : false;
              $userid = sanitize($userid);
              if ($userid == false) {
                  $core->error("You have selected an Invalid Userid","Users::getUserId()");
              } else
                  return $this->userid = $userid;
    public function is_Admin()
          return($this->rank == 7);

and both of the php file are coded the same.


23:37 [autobots] -!- eckostylez [[email protected]]
Nov 25, 2012
Js.. the index & login i the same codes.
That doesn't help. We won't know what it's referencing if we can't see the line that is throwing the error. At this point it could be a lot of things...

$user may not be an object or could be empty. run var_dump() on that or give print_r() output on the query to see if it's returning the correct data


I <3 Bianca
Sep 13, 2010
That doesn't help. We won't know what it's referencing if we can't see the line that is throwing the error. At this point it could be a lot of things...

$user may not be an object or could be empty. run var_dump() on that or give print_r() output on the query to see if it's returning the correct data
<?php include './assets/header.php'; ?>
<?php include './assets/navigation.php'; ?>
define("_VALID_PHP", true);
  if (isset($_POST['doLogin']))
      : $result = $user->login($_POST['username'], $_POST['password']);
  /* Login Successful */
  if ($result)
    <div class="container-fluid">
      <div class="row-fluid">
        <div class="span3">
          <div class="well sidebar-nav">
            <ul class="nav nav-list">
              <li class="nav-header">Navigation</li>
              <li class="active"><a href="<?php echo $_config['site']['url']; ?>/index">Home</a></li>
              <?php if($user->logged_in):?>
              <?php else: endif;?>
              <?php if($user->is_Admin()):?>
              <li><a href="<?php echo $_config['site']['url']; ?>/admin/"></a></li>
              <?php else: endif;?>
              <li><a href="<?php echo $_config['site']['url']; ?>/users">User</a></li>
                <div class="well sidebar-nav">
            <ul class="nav nav-list">
                <li class="news-header">News</li>
                <?php #echo $news['title']; ?>
                <h1><?php #echo $news['short']; ?></h1>
        <div class="span9">
          <div class="hero-unit">
            <form action="" method="post" />
            <p>Username: <input name="username" type="text" placeholder="Username..." class="inputbox" /></p>
            <p>Password: <input name="password" type="password" placeholder="Password..." class="inputbox" /></p>
            <input type="submit" class="button" align="left" name="doLogin" value="Login!" />
<?php include './assets/footer.php';?>
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