Habbo Enables 1-181 And 500-539


Feb 28, 2013
Well, someone gave me these enables. It's the latest enables with extras. I believe theres 39 extra enables to use. The link to the enables are below. However you need to edit your habbo.swf to unlock the enables from 527-539. The tutorial is below.

Download Link For The Enables And The Tool:
Video Showing Some Of The Extra Enables:
Credits to artless for the video
I'm too tired to do pictures and stuff so i'll just write a step by step tutorial.


Step 1: Download the tool first Then, have your habbo.swf and the tool in the same folder.

Step 2: Open the tool, and type in the name of your habbo.swf. Normally people keep it as "Habbo" then choose the decompress option.

Step 3: When it's decompressed, you'll have a folder called Habbo-1 or whatever your swf name is. Open that folder. Now scroll down and find the "Com" Folder and open that. Then open the "Sulake" Folder. After that open "Habbo" Folder then open the "Avatar" Folder. Now open AvatarRenderManager.class

A shortcut would be to search for "AvatarRenderManager.class" Make sure it's the one in the avatar folder.

Step 4: Search "FX" and when you've done that, you should see 200 below it. Change that to 1000 and save that page. Now go back to your tool and choose the compress option. It'll compress your habbo.swf and update it.

If you've followed these steps then hopefully it should of worked for you.


Proverbs 3:5
Sep 30, 2013
It's a good release, and tutorial. To be honest, I didn't know how to do this before, so you taught me something new. Thanks!

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