Right joe, but he was asking for released![]()
I know jay, but i was replying to what you said about people not doing anything with this emulator now
Right joe, but he was asking for released![]()
How to fix this?
It just sits on that screen for a while then disconnects, it does not connect to the emu.
Gotta love GTE.
I have working buy and sell room, Faceless and brb commands. Lots more. Easy with the real name classes. I advise anyone to have a go and edit![]()
Accept Gold Tree Emulator in your Firewall.
Nice! Are you willing to share the code for the commands? I'd love it!
Well, i released a few bits and bobs, but i have really unique stuff so im just trying to improve my hotel. Once my hotel goes bust, i'll glady release everything. I dont mind trading commands with anyone who wants to either
I'd only like the :facesless command and :sellroom, :buyroom
Here,Okay, also I'd like the :faceless
Facelsss -
case 132:
string[] figureParts;
string[] headParts;
figureParts = Session.GetHabbo().Figure.Split('.');
foreach (string Part in figureParts)
if (Part.StartsWith("hd"))
headParts = Part.Split('-');
if (!headParts[1].Equals("99999"))
headParts[1] = "99999";
return true;
string NewHead = "hd-" + headParts[1] + "-" + headParts[2];
Session.GetHabbo().Figure = Session.GetHabbo().Figure.Replace(Part, NewHead);
return true;
Session.SendNotification("Please reload your room to see the effect.");
using (DatabaseClient dbClient = GoldTree.GetDatabase().GetClient())
dbClient.ExecuteQuery("UPDATE users SET look = @Look WHERE username = @Username");
dbClient.AddParamWithValue("look", Session.GetHabbo().Figure);
dbClient.AddParamWithValue("username", Session.GetHabbo().Username);
Room Room = Session.GetHabbo().CurrentRoom;
if (Room == null)
return true;
RoomUser User = Room.GetRoomUserByHabbo(Session.GetHabbo().Id);
if (User == null)
return true;
Session.SendNotification("Please reload your room to see the effect.");
return false;
Where do I go to add that in the emulator files?
Do I need a .swf?
I added the source in the files and nothing happened..
I added in via Notepadd ++