I don't break the rules I bend them.
- Oct 28, 2016
- 246
- 38
- Thread starter
- #21
What a great view dranbon, you're one of the people on Devbest who actually thinks realistic. @Wess doesn't know about affiliate marketing like you do so I don't expect him to understand you. So I'm with you 100% this dranbonIf he sends 1 person to amazon it creates a 24 hour cookie which he gets 4% - 8% revenue from any purchased item. One successful YouTube video at 100,000 views (which is a lot easier than you think in a technology niche) would be 2,000 potential buyers sent to his site and ultimately sent to amazon all looking for products over $100. Affiliate sites aren't made to replace Amazon, they're made to create more traffic for amazon. What does Amazon care if they're paying 4% - 8% for it?
You're a lot more savvy than the average consumer @Wess. I'd say a majority of econsumers don't think of the inner workings of ecommerce based on the way your analysis is laid out. Good developer perspective, not a good consumer perspective. If people are looking for something (even camera information) and he has it, he's achieving the purpose of his site.
@Sly I wouldn't turn the website offline if I were you because there's literally no reason to. You're not appealing to an audience right now, so whats the difference if you leave it online or not?
Well luckily for me my website design is new and awesome.I agree with Wess's facts about the overall design of the website as it does have some flaws that make it look unappealing. I'd also say it is a great idea to take the website out of a public view as honestly if someone was to see it now they would be gone and they would not be returning anytime soon. Everything in this day and age is judged and created mainly with the thought of looks alone. Books, ads, newspapers, and just the news itself is a prime example. If you see something eye-catching you may stick around. If you see something ugly and offputting you won't be sticking around.
For example, the first picture in most cases will be more offputting and not wanted compared to the second. Both are an apple, but one is much more pleasant.

You have a point about turning the website offline while creating it, so I have only purpose is that my website isn't fully active yet and there is no reason for people to go on it.I know how the affiliate program works. Please read my post thoroughly.
Developer perspective? I'm looking at it from the eyes of an consumer. If I don't like a website, I'll bounce. If it looks sketchy/unprofessional, I'll bounce. Every customer does this. It has nothing to do with being a developer. An attractive website with clear functionality attracts customers.
No reason to turn his website offline? It is filled with dummy content. Everyone that comes across his website now will never return because it is not appealing and not working. So yes, there is a difference. Don't give incorrect information.