[DEV] Corele Emulator (RP and Hotel) (R63 and R63B) [MongoDB]

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Aug 22, 2012
But when your development flops (unexpectedly) and you don't have enough done to even release a base?
The fact that you've been working on this emulator for-- a few weeks now, and you're just starting to finish basic but required structs for the emulator to even run makes me feel like you already gave up, you're just looking for enthusiasm.
And as a developer, it is normal for you to encounter and have to learn and develop certain things to keep your emulator running smoothly. If you're just going to decide to stop learning C# (because you really never stop learning new methods) and just work with the so-called knowledge you have now... I just pity anyone who uses this emulator in the future.

If you're going to call your emulator the best, don't make it an opinion.
And the fact that you even included that little snippet of basic C# assures me that you're still an amateur and not yet ready to code your own emulator nor committed, you're just looking for attention.

Frankly I have seen at least 10 people have a go at you for pretending to know certain things, and many close friends that hate ou due to your habbits of lying about being able to code, even one in this very thread. I have not been develpping this emulator for a few weeks at all,I literally started this yesterday, and have already got a connection by completing the handshake packets, more news to come tomorrow guys!!

P.S Moonshine, Jayden, MrDeveloper, what ever you call yourself...
The Habbo Development thread holds many unfinished developments started by you, the information your posting here is how you felt about your previous projects, that are unfinished, I doubt they were even started.

SORRY, for being off topic, heres some on topic news.

- Incoming & Outgoing cs files completed (3 Different builds packet ids)
- Handshake packets 100% (For all builds)
- UserData class finished (Just id and username for now)

- GetUserInfo packet to code when Habbo data class is finished

Connection has been received... I will upload an image as soon as I get chance. (Possibly a video)
Thanks for all the support so far, I hope you all continue to support this project.

Any code snippets? sure are
public void RegisterHandshake()
            this._packets.Add(ClientPacketHeader.GetClientVersionEvent, new GetClientVersionEvent());
            this._packets.Add(ClientPacketHeader.DisconnectMessageEvent, new DisconnectEvent());
            this._packets.Add(ClientPacketHeader.GenerateSecretKeyMessageEvent, new GenerateSecretKeyEvent());
            this._packets.Add(ClientPacketHeader.GetSessionParametersMessageEvent, new GetSessionParametersEvent());
            this._packets.Add(ClientPacketHeader.InfoRetrieveMessageEvent, new InfoRetrieveEvent());
            this._packets.Add(ClientPacketHeader.InitCryptoMessageEvent, new InitCryptoEvent());
            this._packets.Add(ClientPacketHeader.PongMessageEvent, new PongEvent());
            this._packets.Add(ClientPacketHeader.SSOTicketMessageEvent, new SSOTicketEvent());
            this._packets.Add(ClientPacketHeader.TryLoginMessageEvent, new TryLoginEvent());
            this._packets.Add(ClientPacketHeader.UniqueIDMessageEvent, new UniqueIDEvent());
            this._packets.Add(ClientPacketHeader.VersionCheckMessageEvent, new VersionCheckEvent());

public const int GetClientVersionEvent = Corele.GetServer().GetConfig().ValueFromKey("client.build") == ClientBuild.R63 ? 4000 : 4000; ///todo... handle 3rd build (not sure this is eneded as all packet ids are 4000 for this)

P.S ClientBuild is an enum (might be changed later)


Aug 22, 2012

Do I even need to reply to your non-sense? Craig and Francis are not your friends so stop thinking that they are.
And based off what you're posting, you still can't code for shit.

public const int GetClientVersionEvent = Corele.GetServer().GetConfig().ValueFromKey("client.build") == ClientBuild.R63 ? 4000 : 4000;
What the fuck is this? Do you realize that this is redundant in more ways than 1? and a prime example of idiocracy on your account.

And based on every skype message you sent me, you're more than just a 2-faced asslick. And you cannot help that you're mentally unstable and I understand that... but shut the fuck up.
You've called yourself the best coder in the community, based off the bullshit you've just presented you're not even the better than the people who wasted their time and posted on this thread.

All you're going to do is piss me off, make a new skype account a day after and pretend you're somebody else and beg for my help like you do everyone???


It's called sarcasm, plus who said I was talking about them 2 people? I wasn't...
Here is another code snippet of the error class I have just written.

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;

namespace Corele.Console
    class ConsoleError
        /// <summary>
        /// Code of the last error occured
        /// </summary>
        public string lastErrorCode;

        /// <summary>
        /// Logs an error
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">Error Exception</param>
        public void LogError(Exception e)
            this.lastErrorCode = GetCode(4) + "_" + GetCode(4);

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an error file in the error directory
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">Error Exception</param>
        public void CreateErrorFile(Exception e)
            if (Directory.Exists("errors"))

            // create new error file
            File.Create("errors/" + this.lastErrorCode + " (" + GetWhen() + ").err");

        public string GetWhen()
            return DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();

        private Random random = new Random((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);

        private string GetCode(int size)
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
            char ch;
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                ch = Convert.ToChar(Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(26 * random.NextDouble() + 65)));

            return builder.ToString();


You're the guy who stole my car
Jul 17, 2015
Yeah, good luck
Lets hope it'll turn out pretty good :')


Aug 30, 2014
Goodluck with your project, as seeing this hasn't been done before is pretty irrelevant for it to become an actual success.


i drain to live
Sep 30, 2013
If getting there is maybe getting one step closer to a small base of an actual emulator, than yes you're getting there.


Aug 22, 2012
Some updates on this. I haven't been working on it a lot recently, but I have just finished the packets for R63 AND R63B, and I am now just fixing a few bugs with the mod tools.

Whats next?
Bug Testing.


DevBest CEO
May 28, 2011
Thread closed due to inactivity, please PM me when you're ready to start active development again.
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