Changing the author name in the database


Learning Habbo Retro Developer
Jan 1, 2016
Hello Devbest users.
Many people would be having problems with creating news articles in their database - for example using Navicat. Once you post the article, it says the author is 1 well, this thread is on how to fix this to make it your name!
Okay so what you want to do is in your database go to cms_news
And then you want to click
Then file > Design Table
Go down to where it says 'author' and it will say int or something like that. Change that to varchar and then the length to 225
Once you have done that, it has changed and you can go back to cms_news and change the author to your name and then it will work.

Thanks for reading, and tell me if this has helped you :)


Proverbs 3:5
Sep 30, 2013
It's your user id, because that's not changing meanwhile a username does. It makes more since to adjust your query to SELECT username FROM users WHERE id = 1
Then to change the thing all together..but sigh

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