Arcturus MS Catalog to Plus Emulator migration script


Nov 10, 2017
Hello Devbest šŸ‘‹

Just a quick release that might be useful to a select few.

This is nothing fancy, i was just made aware that there was no decent catalog public available for plus emulator, which lead me to mostly prompt Chat-GPT to write this entire script for me, so the code might not be the prettiest you've seen but it works.

The script will convert an Arcturus MS catalog to be of Plus emulator structure. The script has been tested migrating a catalog from Arcturus MS to Plus++, however I believe it'd work with most plus emulators out there, should you use another version.

It will migrate the following tables:
  • catalog_pages -> catalog_pages
  • catalog_items -> catalog_items
  • catalog_clothing -> catalog_clothing
  • items_base -> furniture
You can find the script here:

Important: Make sure to read the README provided in the repository.

Ive had an error with a specifix catalog that, when converted everything is just fine, but the emulator will attempt to boot up and then shutdown right after loading everything, without any errors. I have yet to figure this issue out, if you happen to solve it please let us knowā¤ļø
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